Pomegranate Concentrate

Originating in Iran, pomegranates have been grown for thousands of years. I can remember picking the ripe fruit off my grandfather’s tree to enjoy as a summer treat. The arils and juice can be used for a variety of recipes, both sweet, savoury and alcoholic. This pomegranate concentrate can be used as the base for many recipes, including my pomegranate scones, salad dressings and savoury dishes.

Pomegranate Concentrate
Pomegranate Concentrate
Head straight on to the recipe for Pomegranate Concentrate ♥

I always tell bloggers who are stressed about their online world that life comes before blogging. And really, life should come before anything. It is important to live in the moment and take time out to spend with friends. When asked if I would rather stop mid session at gym and go for a beer I did not need to think twice. It was a beautiful winters’ afternoon. The sun was shining and a friend wanted to talk. We had an amazing afternoon chatting away and I told him life is too short. It is too short to not do what we enjoy. We should make the most of each amazing day we are given and do what we love. We should not be stressed by the little things. Rather we should celebrate them. I hope that the afternoon we had together ends in a place he wants to be.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Pomegranate Concentrate ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

Life is also too short to juice pomegranates. Rumour has it that there are 614 arils in the fruit. If anyone feels like counting them, please let me know. One pomegranate will yield about 125mls of juice. And you have to take care not to rub the pith into the juice as that will make it bitter. So, for this recipe for pomegranate concentrate I used store bought juice. Make sure if you do the same that it is 100% pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate Scones With Berry And Rose Petal Jam
Pomegranate Scones With Berry And Rose Petal Jam

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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Pomegranate Concentrate

This versatile, sticky concentrate can be used as a base for many recipes
Makes enough for: 1 batch Concentrate
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 300 mls 100% pomegranate juice
  • 30 g fructose
  • 15 mls lime juice


  • Place all of the ingredients into a small sauce pan
  • Simmer over a medium temperature until thick
  • Place into a sterilized glass jar
What I blogged August 25:

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29 thoughts on “Pomegranate Concentrate

  1. I can think of a million things this would be amazing in! And it doesn’t seem difficult to make at home. I’ll have to play around with this — some pomegranate peach breakfast muffins sound delicious.

  2. This looks amazing! I love pomegranates! They’re so delicious! Also, how sweet that you have memories picking them from your grandpa’s tree! So fun!
    xoxo Cailee!

  3. I couldn’t agree more with you, life is too short and we need to make the most of it, and spend it wisely to those things the mostly matters to us. And to me that would be my family and friends above all else 🙂

    Pomegranate is not indigenous to where I live, mostly what we have here are imported ones from other countries and would sell at a premium price. Nice one on that aril counting challenge, I would have accepted it if I had one available, but then I would be wasting a perfectly good time 😉

  4. 5 stars
    Think I needed to read your words of advice today Tandy. I have deep respect for a person who leaves a gym session for a beer 🙂

  5. 5 stars
    I love cooking with pom, it has the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity though most of the time I end up eating them as such!

  6. So true – life is for living and enjoying, not about fake booking/fake blogging. I love pomegranates, too, but don’t eat them so often and had no idea to avoid the pith when juicing. Thank you for the tips.

  7. Amazing that your grandfather had a tree, usually for us pomegranates can be hard to find and a super special treat. I agree about the seeds, very tricky to actually get any juice out of them! I remember my kids really enjoying them when they were younger and ending up with vibrant juice all over themselves. Yum!

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