Turkish Delight Made With Fructose

I should by all rights call these jelly hearts as they taste closer to jelly than they do Turkish delight. That might have something to do with the fact that I placed the gelatine in too small a container and quite a bit of it spilled all over the microwave. Or it could have been that I microwaved the gelatine on high! I rescued what I could but some of it had to get wiped up and not used. I dusted them with cornflour and they felt like the Turkish delights I buy from the supermarket. What I can say is that these will stay fresh and mine are being saved in the fridge for a day when I need something sweet. I had to make hearts as I love my mould, and of course I used purple food colouring to match my blog 🙂

Turkish Delight Jelly Hearts
Turkish Delight Jelly Hearts

This recipe is not my own, but it was cut out of a magazine long before I ever considered blogging and so I cannot attribute the source. It is easy to make, and if these sweet treats are something you like to indulge in then do give them a try.

My dad and I share a love of Turkish delight and he has been buying them from a Turkish lady living in Johannesburg. I found some at the market a month ago in a flavour I have never seen before, and I hope that he will find delight in the gift.

do you have a favourite flavour of Turkish delight?

Turkish Delight
Turkish Delight
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Turkish Delight

Recipe Category: Sweets
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 280 mls water
  • 45 mls gelatine powder
  • 100 g fructose
  • 2.5 mls cream of tartar
  • 10 mls rose water
  • a few drops of food colouring


  • Pour 80mls of the water into a medium size bowl
  • Pour the gelatine into the water and leave to dissolve
  • Pour the remaining water into a heavy bottomed sauce pan
  • Add the fructose and stir over a low heat until dissolved
  • Soften the gelatine in the microwave for 1 minute on a medium heat
  • Add the gelatine and the cream of tartar to the sugar syrup and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Remove from the heat and stir in the rose water and food colouring
  • Pour the mixture into a greased tin and leave to set
  • When set, cut into desired shape

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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30 thoughts on “Turkish Delight Made With Fructose

  1. Is it seriously SO easy to make Turkish Delight?? I LOVE it!! *adds rose water to her shopping list*

  2. I love the colour – they look so alive! I’ve made Turkish delight before and also loved it. Interesting change of castor sugar to fructose, I would never have tried that. You’ve inspired me to take out the pots and the thermometer again.

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