Zopako Bread

I am running a hard race at the moment with my blogging as I still have not caught up from when we were overseas. For now, I seem to be chasing my tail and moving papers around my desk. I still have to finish our blog of our holiday – the last two days have not been written up and the photographs have not yet been transferred to my computer. On top of this, I have left my sourdough starter in the freezer as I have a few bread recipes to try that do not use sourdough. My weekends have been full and I must admit that instead of getting into my kitchen every day for my blog, I have been watching MasterChef Australia. We are only watching season 3 now so please, no spoilers! I am looking forward to our annual shut down in December as by then I should have caught up with everything and I can dedicate loads of time to my kitchen. Before that, I needed to bake bread for a recipe, and I decided to try one of Dan Lepard’s recipes as I have read across the blogs that they really work. I did not have time to waste and when we got home on Saturday night I got the ingredients together. What I really like about this Zopako bread is that it takes no effort to make. There is very little kneading involved and I am sure that I can adapt this to try with my sourdough starter. It has a deliciously hard crust and dipped into a bit of bisque, made the perfect end to our dinner last night.

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Zopako Bread

Recipe Category: Bread
Makes enough for: 1 loaf bread
All Rights Reserved: Recipe adapted from Dan Lepard


  • 175 mls warm water
  • 0.625 mls instant dried yeast
  • 288 g 00 flour, plus extra for shaping
  • 5 mls fine salt


  • Pour the water into a large bowl and stir in the yeast
  • Add the flour and salt
  • Mix to a firm dough, then knead lightly for 10 seconds, until evenly mixed
  • Cover the bowl with cling film and leave at room temperature for 12 hours, until it has doubled in volume; if not, leave until it does
  • Shape the dough into a stick about 15cm long with tapered ends
  • Lay diagonally on a tray lined with a silpat or baking paper
  • Cover with lightly oiled cling film and leave to prove for 30 minutes
  • Uncover and dust liberally with flour
  • Press a rolling pin firmly down the centre, so that you almost split the loaf in two, leaving it joined only by a membrane of dough right down the middle
  • Cover with lightly oiled cling film and leave to prove for 30 minutes
  • Preheat the oven to 240° Celsius
  • Bake for 20 minutes, along with a small tray of boiling water on the lowest shelf to make the oven slightly steamy Reduce the heat to 200° Celsius and bake for 20 minutes, until crisp

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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24 thoughts on “Zopako Bread

  1. Would love to try this but cant quite get my head around 0.625ml yeast(liquid measure) Is this correct and how to measure? Maths was never my best subject.

  2. Ignore my last request. Just looked at Dan Lepards recipe. Once I saw it as 1/4 tspn and saw your recipe was for even smaller amount the penny dropped. Me being dense. Love your site and recipes.

  3. Glad to see you’ve discovered Dan Lepard, Tandy. As you probably know, I’m a big fan. This bread looks beautiful.

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