Garlic Soup

The daring cooks challenge this month was to make a bread soup. I don’t have a Spanish recipe book in my house other than one for tapas and so I turned to the internet for some help. It was here that I found this recipe from Dan Lepard. As my blog friend Claire has had great success with his recipes I decided his would be the one I would use. I had no expectations as to what the soup would taste like or look like as I have never tried a soup of this nature before. It is possible that I made one error though when making this soup. The recipe called for 750mls of liquid and would serve 4. As I was making the soup for just the two of us, I reduced the quantity to 500mls. It resulted in quite a thick soup. It was really tasty though and I can well imagine that for a farmer coming in from the fields at lunch time, this garlic soup would go down a treat. I served it with some pork rashers that Dave had done on the braai (BBQ). Dan suggests adding bacon or salt cod to the soup and so the rashers were a perfect addition to our meal. I was also amazed at how my zopako bread completely dissolved as I stirred in the eggs.

Garlic Soup
Garlic Soup


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Garlic Soup

Adapted from Dan Lepard
Recipe Category: Soup
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 60 mls olive oil
  • 2 dried chillies
  • 8 cloves garlic, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 8 cm piece zopaka bread, thinly sliced
  • 1.25 mls smoked paprika
  • 75 mls puréed tinned tomatoes
  • 1 red pepper, roasted, peeled and mashed to a pulp
  • 500 mls chicken stock
  • Salt to season
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten


  • Heat the oil in a large saucepan on a low heat
  • Add the chillies and garlic and sauté until the garlic turns golden
  • Increase the heat to medium high and add the bread
  • Once the bread has soaked up the oil, leave it to brown, turning occasionally
  • Add the paprika and as soon as you can smell it, pour in the tomato, pepper pulp and chicken stock
  • Season to taste and leave to simmer for 20 minutes
  • Bring to the boil, stir in the eggs and serve hot

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Blog-checking lines: Our November Daring Cooks’ hostess was Begoña, who writes the beautiful blog, Las recetas de Marichu y las mías. Begoña is from Spain and didn’t want to go with the more common challenges of paella or gazpacho, she wanted to share with us another very popular recipe from Spain that we don’t see as often called Sopa Castellana which is a delicious bread soup!

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27 thoughts on “Garlic Soup

    1. I could not at the time of eating it, but Dave could. However, I knew by the amount of water I drank through the night that there was garlic in it 🙂

  1. The first time I ordered garlic oup in Spain I was soooo disappointed – it was a bowl of hot water with a few slices of fried garlic in it and a poached egg. Horrible! However, I know now there are lots of different variations and I love yours!

  2. Thanks for the mention and I am so glad you are enjoying Dan’s recipes. I’ve not tried bread soup so I’ll have to give this a go.

  3. This is a very different recipe from the garlic soup that I’ve made but it sounds delicious! And, another great use for your bread!

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