Berry And Rose Petal Jam With A Hint Of Lime

When choosing rose petal or rose essential oil I ensure I use rosa damascena, Damask rose. You might find this variety of rose under the name of rose of Castile. The petals from this hybrid rose are used to make rose otto essential oil which is used in perfumery and aromatherapy. The flower is also used to make rose water. You need to ensure that you use organic petals for this berry and rose petal jam.

Berry And Rose Petal Jam
Berry And Rose Petal Jam
Head straight on to the recipe for Berry And Rose Petal Jam ♥

Scarlett, our Boxer puppy is growing into a monster. And I am not only referring to her size. At 7 months old she is as tall as Maxine was and weighs 23kgs. She is still fairly slim so I am not so keen on reducing her food intake just yet. Especially as she keeps on adding to it. I left a piece of swordfish out to defrost and sometime between the dishes being washed in the morning and the ironing being done in the afternoon she had scoffed the entire thing. This did not stop her from wanting supper, but it did not make her stomach pleasant the next morning. I thought that if I put everything edible away she would not be able to eat more that what was given to her. But I was wrong. She managed to get into my sweets.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Berry And Rose Petal Jam ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

They are kept in a ‘lock and go’ plastic container but this did not stop her. I had sugar free jelly beans and licourice chews in there, together with some hard sucking sweets. Between the laxative effects of the sugar alternative and the licourice, her stomach was bad. So bad that I could hear the grumbling from upstairs. This emptying of her stomach must have made her very hungry as she then opened the bread bin and ate the pistachio honey cake. Dave and I had only had two slices of it so I was really mad. We now have a Scarlett shelf that she cannot reach. I made sure to place my berry and rose petal jam on it as soon as it was made as I needed it to cool down to go on my pomegranate scones.

Pomegranate Scones With Berry And Rose Petal Jam
Pomegranate Scones With Berry And Rose Petal Jam

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Recipe For Berry And Rose Petal Jam

The subtle hint of rose elevates the berries to make this a flavourful jam
Recipe Category: Jam
Makes enough for: 1 batch jam
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 250 g frozen mixed berries
  • 3 damask roses, petals only, lightly crushed
  • 80 g honey
  • 15 mls lime juice
  • 7 g apple pectin


  • Place all of the ingredients into a medium sized saucepan
  • Place on a high temperature and bring to the boil
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
  • Place into a sterilized glass jar
  • Allow to cool before refrigerating

Dave and I are leaving for overseas on the 2nd of September. We will be back at work on the 19th of September. I will start replying to comments then. I won’t be able to read any blogs while we are away so please forgive my lack of visiting back. You can follow our trip by taking a look at our holiday blog.

What I blogged September 1:

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32 thoughts on “Berry And Rose Petal Jam With A Hint Of Lime

  1. Happy holidays, Tandy! Scarlett sounds like Babette, our childhood boxer, a very resourceful food machine as well, with a preference for Roquefort and anything sweet.

    I bought fragrant roses (Frederic Mistral and Molinard) three years ago from a rose grower in Germany and planted them in our garden, only one survived, I use the petals to make a gelée with apple juice. Next year I will definitely use your delicious recipe – thanks for sharing!

  2. What a beautiful jam recipe! Puppies are notoriously cheeky and naughty, and a 23kg puppy that can reach into high places must be a challenge for you…but you can’t help loving them, even when they’re being naughty!

  3. 5 stars
    Scarlett sounds a bit like our Olive when she was a puppy, she even ate socks and razorblades. Your jam combo sounds amazing, The roses we have here in Oregon are the old fashioned fragrant ones. They would be perfect in a jam like this.

  4. Wow Scarlett is determined, pays the price, and then wants more lol. Glad you have a good out of reach shelf now. Love this jam, reminds me onf the kind of jams I get in persian restaurants for brunch here.

  5. Good lord, what an accomplished thief!
    We have an Irish Wolfhound whose sneakiness always amazes me. She is very quick on her toes for an aging 65 kilogram dog – like a stealth bomber, swift and silent.

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