Chocolate Ginger Cookies

Biscuit baking has become a weekend regular as Dave loves to have a quick snack when he comes home. And if it goes with his espresso he is happy. The past weekend I made a batch of chocolate ginger cookies. They are soft in texture and packed full of flavour.

Chocolate Ginger Cookies
Chocolate Ginger Cookies
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Chocolate Ginger Cookies ♥

I used to have an extremely complicated Will, for a variety of reasons. But in 2012 Dave and I decided we would deal with our Estate as one, and redo our Wills. In order to ensure everything would pass muster with The Master of The Supreme Court we went to our accountant. We told him what we wanted, and how we envisioned the future to be without the other in it. He made legal suggestions which we listened to, and our Wills were duly written up. And that is as far as it got until August of this year. Instead of having our accountant as the Executor, the firm is now handling that. Which necessitated a new Will for each of us being drawn up. We did not want to make any changes but I did update one thing in a wish list.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Chocolate Ginger Cookies ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

I have ensured that my animals are seen to in a way that is humane. And means no suffering for them, or hard decisions for anyone else. I would hate for my dogs to end up in a kennel totally neglected, needy and unloved. Or even unwanted and out in the cold. They are very spoilt and sleep indoors and get lots of attention. And if I make the choice for the Executor it is easy. All that was left for me to do was sign the Will, and make sure everything is up-to-date and legal. Do you have a Will? And if so, have you made provisions for your pets? Let me know what choices you have made.

Chocolate Ginger Cookies

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Chocolate Ginger Cookies

These will keep for at least a week if stored in an airtight container
Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 1 batch cookies
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 200 g softened, salted butter
  • 180 g fructose
  • 40 g liquid glucose
  • 1 egg
  • 300 g flour
  • 100 g cocoa powder
  • 5 mls ground ginger
  • 2.5 mls baking powder


  • Place the butter, fructose and glucose into a stand mixer bowl
  • Beat until pale and fluffy, scraping down the sides when necessary
  • Add the egg and mix to combine
  • Place the flour, cocoa, ginger and baking powder into a bowl and whisk to combine
  • Place a quarter of the mixture into the stand mixer bowl, and mix on a slow speed
  • Repeat this until all the flour has been added and a dough forms
  • Divide the dough in half and roll each half between sheets of baking paper to 5mm thick
  • Place into the fridge for 15 minutes then cut into shapes and place onto a lined baking tray
  • Place the baking tray into the fridge while you preheat the oven to 160° Celsius
  • Place the baking tray into the oven and bake for 15 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and place the baked cookies onto a wire rack to cool completely
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime October 8:

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8 thoughts on “Chocolate Ginger Cookies

  1. These cookies would be lovely for the holidays too! We did not provide for our pets in our will. I am hoping our kids would take our cats–they could even be split up since they are not buddies!

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