Nasturtium Butter

Nasturtiums are one of the prettiest edible flowers to plant. And they will grow with wild abandon if you let them. The leaves are great to use to make a pesto. But for the nasturtium butter, you will use the flowers.

Nasturtium Butter
Nasturtium Butter
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Nasturtium Butter ♥

A month ago on Sky News there was an article about what it would cost to go to a wedding as a guest. The amount given was around the £1000 mark with a cost breakdown which included the wedding gift. Over and above that was accommodation, child care and travel costs as well as outfits for the day. I have often said that there are a lot of hidden costs when you receive a wedding invitation. In South Africa the women are invited to the Kitchen Tea, where a gift for the new kitchen will be expected. And it has become the norm for the guests to pay for themselves. This is the same for the stag do, and both could be a weekend away. Destination weddings are all the rage but even if the venue is close to home, you don’t want to drive.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Nasturtium Butter ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

Too far and you will have to find somewhere overnight to stay. Plus the gift which will set you back anything from R1000 upwards. The last two weddings we have been invited to would have cost us over R10 000. And that is just to get there and back. Over and above this would be car hire, something not included in the Sky list of expenses. And frankly, that is just a lot of money for us to spend for one night! The economic crisis is certainly showing its face when we make these type of decisions, and both invites were declined. I would rather spend my money on a memorable present for the couple, than pay a lot just to be there. Thankfully, South Africans are not yet at the stage of American weddings where you are expected to pay to be a guest.

Nasturtium Butter


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Nasturtium Butter

Replace the nasturtiums with any edible flower of your choice for a different flavour
Recipe Category: Condiments
Makes enough for: 1 batch compound butter
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 45 g salted butter, softened
  • 5 g nasturtium petals, cleaned
  • black pepper to season (if using for a savoury dish)


  • Place the butter and nasturtiums into a blender and blitz until the flowers are finely chopped
  • Season with black pepper to taste if using the compound butter for a savoury dish
  • Tip out onto a sheet of clingfilm and roll into a sausage shape
  • Place into the fridge to firm up and use as needed
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10 thoughts on “Nasturtium Butter

  1. I’m not exactly sure how your money translates into dollars but it does sound expensive. The idea of a kitchen tea with a gift for the kitchen sounds lovely ( but paying your own meal is pricey too). We give an expensive shower gift (but don’ t pay for our meal) and then the wedding with overnight lodging and gift can be quite pricy too.I’ve heard that nasturtiums can be edible but never had a recipe to use them. They are beautiful flowers.

    1. As of this morning, $1 is R18.75. The first time I went to America, R1 was worth $2. Our currency is worthless now 🙁

  2. it’s insane isn’t it? i think our entire wedding cost about $500! but that was many moons ago. And yes we have been asked to pay for our own meal at a wedding reception. We declined. It’s all such a waste of money. Better for the bride and groom to buy something or go on a great honeymoon. Nasturtium butter sounds amazing.

  3. I think your nasturtium butter sounds incredible! I put mine in soups for color, that peppery flavor and of course, the pretty vibe! Yep. Weddings for us, even local ones cost about $500. It’s insane!

  4. Wow what an amazing idea! I love adding nasturtiums to our salads, but I never would have thought of making compound butter. I definitely need to try it, and I also love the idea of making pesto with leaves.

  5. Hi Tandy, I have only attended one wedding that required overnight accommodation. We often get invited but rarely attend. I am not one for socializing with colleagues unless I’ve worked with them for many years. I think weddings are for close friends and family. I would not pay to attend a wedding unless it was one of my sisters.

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