Olive And Sun Dried Tomato Sourdough Bread

A while back the Daring Bakers’ challenge was to make a loaf of bread that was shaped in a specific manner and I really wanted to make a savoury loaf. I try and bake a sourdough bread of some sort each weekend and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to make a twisted olive and sun dried tomato sourdough bread, shaped as per the instructions. Sadly, the specific shaping required would not work as the dough was not the right consistency. Not to be dissuaded, I made a simple braided loaf and we had it as a tear and share bread for lunch. I absolutely love the flavour combination of olives and sun dried tomatoes, and would not hesitate to make this bread again.

Olive And Sun Dried Tomato Sourdough Bread
Olive And Sun Dried Tomato Sourdough Bread
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Olive And Sun Dried Tomato Sourdough Bread

Recipe Category: Bread
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from 100 Great Breads by Paul Hollywood, page 66


  • 150 g fed sourdough starter
  • 500 g bread flour, divided
  • 12 g salt
  • 40 mls oil from your sun dried tomatoes, or use olive oil
  • 12 g yeast
  • 175 mls warm water
  • 150 g pitted olives, drained and finely chopped
  • 150 g sun dried tomatoes, drained and finely chopped


  • Place your starter, 350g of the flour, the salt, oil and yeast into a bowl
  • Slowly add the water and mix by hand until the dough is soft - you might need slightly more or slightly less water, depending on the viscosity of your sourdough
  • Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes
  • Shape into a ball, place back into the bowl and cover with a damp cloth
  • Leave to prove in a warm place for an hour
  • Remove the dough from the bowl and place the olives and sun dried tomatoes into the bowl
  • Return the dough to the bowl, and mix together with as much flour as you need until all the ingredients are well combined and the texture is the same as what you started with
  • Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and divide into three
  • Shape each portion into a ball and then shape each portion into a long sausage
  • Braid the three pieces together making sure to nip the edges in properly
  • Place onto a lined baking tray, cover with lightly oiled cling film and leave to prove for an hour
  • Preheat the oven to 220° Celsius
  • Toss a few ice cubes into the oven at the same time as you place your bread into the oven
  • Bake for 30 minutes
  • Cool on a wire rack completely before before slicing or tearing apart

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

There are so many ways to deal with a sourdough starter. Mine lives in the fridge and is left to hibernate until I need it. This means it has to be woken up. And this has to be done gently. I take it out of the fridge and feed it both bread flour and water. And then leave it for the day to sit on the countertop and do its thing. I then take out a half cup of starter and feed it with 60 grams of each bread flour and water. And this is what I use for my recipes. I put the mother starter back into the fridge to go back to sleep.

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27 thoughts on “Olive And Sun Dried Tomato Sourdough Bread

  1. I absolutely like your version of this tear and share braid bread!. Beautiful, Tandy!
    🙂 ela

  2. Delicious!!! Olives and sun-dried tomatoes are two of my favourite pizza toppings. They must be exquisite in bread like this. One day I’ll get adventurous and try my hand at baking some gluten-free bread. Until then, I’ll just drool over your mouth-watering bread recipes 🙂

  3. What a clever idea to place ice cubes in the oven. I must try that ASAP! The steam create must make a huge difference 🙂 xx

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