It’s not often that I can scroll through my twitter timeline without interruption. I like to go onto it a few times a day and hopefully be inspired or be able to offer inspiration to someone. This quote from @merentia instantly caught my eye: inhale love exhale gratitude. I wonder if we all followed it, would the world be a better place? Gratitude is something I try and practice every day. It makes life a beautiful thing. This saying resonates with me on so many levels and makes me think of sitting quietly in a yoga asana and being at peace with the world. These quinces formed part of my gratitude crate and it was the first time I had ever worked with them. I decided to make a quince compote.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Quince Compote ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
I was given an abundance of quinces and they are not easy to work with, so patience is required. You need to ensure that you get the pips and the hard flesh surrounding the pips out of the centre. If you have never had quince compote before I can only tell you that it is similar in texture to a guava, but tastes a whole lot better. You have to poach them for a long time in order to get them nice and soft and edible. This is so worth it, and if like me you have an abundance of quinces, place them into glass jars for hostess gifts. I sent a bottle home with my parents and I hope they enjoyed the quince compote as much as we did. Here I have shown them served with yoghurt, but the majority of them were enjoyed with custard.

Quince Compote
- 12 quinces
- 1200 mls water
- 700 g fructose
- 1 pod vanilla, beans scraped out
- Bring a large pot of water to the boil, and prepare a bowl of chilled water
- Peel once quince at a time and quarter
- Remove the entire core and cut each slice in half
- Blanch for one minute in the boiling water
- Refresh in the ice water and remove and set aside
- Repeat until you have done this with all of the quinces
- Place the water, fructose, vanilla pod and beans into a large pot and bring to a simmer
- Once the sugar has dissolved add the quinces
- Cover with a cartouche and leave to poach
- After 2 hours, remove the cartouche, give the quinces a mix and put the cartouche back on
- Poach for a further 1 and a half hours until soft
- Place into sterilized glass jar
- Add the vanilla pods you used to make the vanilla sugar
- Cover with the sugar syrup
- Seal and leave to stand for 24 hours
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
What I blogged:
- one year ago – I Made It Challenge
- two years ago – Roast Beetroot Risotto
- three years ago – Friday’s Food Quiz
What a lovely quote! ps: quinces seem to making a comeback, I just adore them and your compote makes my mouth water xxx
Your recipe was very inspiring Cindy 🙂
I do so love quinces and quince compote – we have a few growers here in Hawke’s Bay who share their crops with us in autumn and early winter – so will put this recipe away for then – thanks Tandy.
Enjoy it Rachel!
I never get to scrolling through twitter, I would be there all day, seems people tweet all day. Lovely quote and compote.
have a super day Tandy.
🙂 Mandy xo
I have to stay away from Twitter if I want to concentrate on work 😉
I’m delighted by this since my friends bring me bags of quinces every year. 🙂
Lucky you!
Gorgeous – we love quince and use them a lot in Spain. Have used them I a savoury Ottolenghi recipe (which may well come from Jerusalem)
Will have to see if I can track soem down in England to make this compote!
I will look out for more quinces here to try that Tanya 🙂
I rarely find quince in stores, but next time I do, I’m making this compote and putting it all over ALL THE THINGS.
Thanks Joanne! I hardly see them here either so this was a great treat for me 🙂
This compote would be great in my morning oats, it looks so fresh and delicious 😀
Choc Chip Uru
What a great idea!
YEASSSS… I freakin heart the bajinkas out of quince and turning them into a delicious compote. Drool. They’d go a treat with my weekend pancakes. Yarm! 🙂
I didn’t even think to try them with pancakes! What a great idea 🙂