The Black Dress

The Black Dress opening lines: I saw it in the window of a charity shop. A little black dress. Scoop neck, clingy.

My blurb:

Pru does not want to be alone. And to achieve her goal of still being with someone, she goes to great lengths. The first of which is going to funerals of people she does not know. To be specific, to funerals of women who have just died, leaving husbands in the right age bracket. And to that end, the black dress is a necessity, or maybe the catalyst? She is not quite sure.

The Black Dress

Pru’s husband has walked out, leaving her alone to contemplate her future. She’s missing not so much him, but the life they once had – picnicking on the beach with small children, laughing together, nestling up like spoons in the cutlery drawer as they sleep. Now there’s just a dip on one side of the bed and no-one to fill it.

In a daze, Pru goes off to a friend’s funeral. Usual old hymns, words of praise and a eulogy but…it doesn’t sound like the friend Pru knew. And it isn’t. She’s gone to the wrong service. Everyone was very welcoming, it was – oddly – a laugh, and more excitement than she’s had for ages. So she buys a little black dress in a charity shop and thinks, now I’m all set, why not go to another? I mean, people don’t want to make a scene at a funeral, do they? No-one will challenge her – and what harm can it do?

My verdict:

A light hearted read that shows us how difficult life can be to navigate alone. And how that can be manipulated. A surprising end to an enjoyable novel.

Publishing information:
Category: Fiction
ISBN: 9781472260536
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
On sale: August 2021
Format: Paperback

Disclosure: I was sent the book to review by Jonathan Ball Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime January 9:


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6 thoughts on “The Black Dress

  1. Hi Tandy, That sounds like my kind of read…I enjoy humour out of adversity. It is the Jewish way, which I thoroughly endorse! (eg. Rachel’s uncle is in an open coffin, when she remarked to a nearby friend. “Oi, such a shame Uncle Morrie dying, but his trip must have done him some good. Just look at the tan he’s got” Happy New Year. x

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