Black Garlic Vinaigrette

A vinaigrette is made by creating an emulsion using oil and something acidic. My black garlic vinaigrette uses lemon juice yet has the hint of flavour of balsamic vinegar. This comes from the garlic. Use as a salad dressing or marinade.

Black Garlic Vinaigrette
Black Garlic Vinaigrette
Head straight on to the recipe for Black Garlic Vinaigrette ♥

Fifteen working days before we left for overseas my laptop hard drive gave me a warning all was not well. But, Dave seemed to have fixed it and the first thing I did was back up my documents. My intention was to take it to the computer guru we use while we were away and let him sort it out then. But, five days later it gave up the ghost completely. Dave’s magic had not worked and my back up did not include my emails, or the last weeks’ worth of work. That did not bother me too much as I could easily catch up on the financial work that needed my attention. And as for the documents, the ones I really need are stored on another computer as well as my own.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Black Garlic Vinaigrette ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

As for the emails I don’t have I shall have to just ask people to resend the information I discover is necessary. The positive to take from this is I have really decluttered! The negative is that my Onedrive did not upload my photographs and whatever recipes I had made since my last backup all have to be redone. I loved this black garlic vinaigrette so much that it was not a bother to remake it. It is perfect with bitter greens like I have used here.

Black Garlic Vinaigrette

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Black Garlic Vinaigrette

Perfect to use with bitter greens
Recipe Category: Salad Dressing
Makes enough for: 1 batch vinaigrette
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 1 anchovy fillet
  • 1 clove black garlic
  • 1 pinch fine salt
  • ½ lemon, juice only
  • 5 mls Dijon mustard
  • 60 mls olive oil
  • Freshly ground black pepper to season


  • Place the anchovy, garlic and salt into a mortar
  • Using the pestle, grind to mix together
  • Add the lemon juice and grind to combine
  • Whisk in the mustard
  • Slowly add the olive oil, whisking as you pour
  • Season to taste and use as needed
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime September 26:

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34 thoughts on “Black Garlic Vinaigrette

  1. Well, my husband believe it or not is the vinaigrette maker of the household. It is his speciality so I will have to get him on this! I’m just not sure what black garlic is and how to acquire. Although I do have lots of fresh garlic this year I have been enjoying. It’s nice when you have a recipe that has multiple purposes!

  2. 5 stars
    How smart to have backed up most of your data, I’m afraid I am lacking in that department, good reminder for me to get on the ball. Love this vinaigrette Tandy.

  3. 5 stars
    Nothing me stressful to me than computer mysteries. However, everything happens for a reason and de-cluttering may have been it. What a delicious, tangy vinaigrette.

  4. My first time seeing and hearing about black garlic – I’m gonna have to Google it now – Tandy, your vinaigrette is what I need with my salad tonight! 🙂

  5. I think this post is a lesson for us all Tandy. I am also slack about naming photos for the blog, only do so when I need them. Consequently, when I need something in a hurry, I can never lay my finger on it. I love the idea of your vinaigrette and will give it a go when I next have black garlic in the kitchen.

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