
I love the Hebrew word for jam doughnuts. Sufganiyot somehow sounds better in my mind than the English word “doughnut”. Sufganiyot describes exactly what the sweet treat is when you say it out aloud, or at least it does to me. I first heard the word when I spent Hanukkah with an Israeli family and every time I see a doughnut I think of the term sufganiyah. These jam filled doughnuts are a traditional treat in Israel leading up to the festival of lights. According to what I have read they are made by cutting a disc of dough and placing jam on the disc and then covering it with another disc, before deep frying. I tried this method and it didn’t work very well for me. I then tried baking them but baked doughnuts just don’t have the same mouth feel so don’t even go there. As much as I don’t like to deep fry anything, you have to deep fry these. However, if you have an airfryer – which is on my wish list – then please try making them using yours and let me know! I deep fried balls of dough and tried to use a piping bag to fill them with jam and that also didn’t work. Now I have to add a bakers syringe to my wish list – which as you can see is growing! I did however dust them in cinnamon sugar and forced myself not to devour the lot. For eating and enjoying, I broke them in half and smeared some jam on – much easier in my opinion. Whichever way you serve them, beware, you won’t be able to stop at one.

what type of doughnut is your favourite?

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Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 1 batch Doughnuts
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 300 mls water
  • 80 g butter, melted
  • 2 eggs
  • 7.5 mls fine salt
  • 60 mls fructose
  • 600 g bread flour
  • 10 mls yeast
  • 500 mls oil for deep frying
  • Jam for filling
  • Cinnamon sugar for dusting


  • Place the ingredients as listed into your bread maker
  • Use the bread dough setting
  • Once proved, place the dough onto a lightly floured surface
  • Knock back the dough - if its very sticky add a bit more flour
  • Pinch off small balls and leave to prove on a lightly greased tray
  • Cover with lightly greased clingfilm and prove for an hour
  • Place oil into a medium sized pot on medium heat
  • When the oil is 140degC start cooking the doughnuts one at a time, turning after 2 minutes
  • When you turn one add the next to the oil as you don't want the temperature to drop too low
  • Allow to drain on paper towels before dusting with cinnamon sugar


You can make this dough by hand!
You don't have to make the entire batch at once - this dough can be refrigerated until needed for a couple of days

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28 thoughts on “Doughnuts

  1. Oooh, they look good Tandy! Our doughnuts have milk in them as well, it’s interesting to see how this recipe differs from them!

  2. What a wonderful word and memory.
    I know what you mean about frying – sometimes I think it’s ok, it’s not like I eat fried food every day. as a treat it’s a matter of why not? An din the case of freshly made doughnuts then it certainly is treat time! Loved reading about your experiments to get them just so – thanks Tandy

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