
The 7th of every month sees the Crazy Cooking Challenge reveal. This month we were challenged to make fudge. I was so pleased when my google search revealed my friend Sam’s blog – Drizzle and Dip. However, two attempts at making her recipe were not successful. I am not sure why, as I have never made fudge before on the stove top – but the recommended temperature of 118° Celsius was reached both times – and by the time it got there, it had gone past the fudge stage and all you could smell was burnt sugar. It was more like toffee gone wrong than anything else. My friend Shirley sent me her fail safe recipe and she told me not to adjust the quantities as it will not work if halved. I wonder if this could be the problem as I halved Sam’s recipe as I wanted to try a sugar free version first. In quite a state with the 7th looming, I tweeted for help and my friend Carey recommended I use her recipe. Dave used to make fudge when he was a child and so he popped into the kitchen to help – which was great, as I could take photographs. He says this fudge is good, and I can tell you it is easy to make. Do give it a try!

fudge making
fudge making
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Recipe Category: Sweets
Makes enough for: 24 squares
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 1000 mls sugar
  • 125 mls water
  • 385 g condensed milk
  • 125 g butter
  • 30 mls corn syrup
  • 5 mls vanilla extract
  • 5 mls vinegar


  • put the sugar, water, condensed milk, butter and syrup into a large pot (this is to prevent it boiling over)
  • heat gently allowing the sugar to dissolve
  • raise to 115° Celsius and keep it boiling for about 30 minutes until it caramelizes and thickens
  • do not let the fudge get above 118° Celsius
  • watch the bubbles change and when they are big in the middle you are at the fudge stage
  • check this by dropping a small amount into water – it should for a soft ball
  • remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla and vinegar
  • beat the fudge with an electric beater on a low speed to avoid splash backs which can result in bad burns (use lavender essential oil on a burn straight away to prevent blisters)
  • do this until the colour lightens and it has thickened and it has started crystallizing against the side of the pot
  • pour into a lined rectangular dish and cool until firm enough to cut into squares (about 20 minutes)
  • allow to stand for 1 hour before removing from the dish

Click on the links for conversions and notes.


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53 thoughts on “Fudge

  1. your fudge is lovely, did you try my recipe it really is fail safe, I am making coconut ice next which was my mums other christmas staple.. c

  2. It looks great Tandy! I have never seen a recipe that calls for vinegar though. I usually use a microwave recipe. I have printed Celi’s recipe to try so will let you know how that recipe goes.
    🙂 Mandy

  3. Fudge always makes me think of Christmas! I’m not a huge fan, as it’s SO sweet, but I love seeing it around and all the different versions people make! I tried making caramel corn once, and it required the sugar thermometer too…it came out okay, but definitely not exactly like how I wanted. Sugar’s tricky…

    1. it is amazing how many different recipes they are! It is very sweet and I am glad the lid fits on the container as all I could smell was the sugar in my dining room 🙂

  4. I’m so sorry I didn’t know. I make tons of fudge to sell…Havent done it the past year though. I have a fabulous recipe for the microwave…so easy! Was it a stipulation to do a stove top one? Hugs xx

    1. Hi Colleen, please send met he recipe for the microwave version and well done Tandy! Do you think that the stove top version is yummier? Where can one find corn syrup?

  5. What a wonderful choice you made. Love the pics of it cooking. Good for people unsure of the stages. Also love the little heart in the last picture. Adorable.

    1. thanks, I took the steps photo’s as I had never made fudge before! The heart is a little blackboard heart which make a great gift 🙂

  6. I’m impressed Tandy…this fudge looks awesome! I’ve never made homemade before. This would be a great little Christmas gift for someone. 🙂

  7. Oooh, that picture os enough to send anyone of to get experimental with fudge, Tandy! Thanks for the recipe. I’ve always wanted to try that scottish relative of fudge, tablet – have you ever heard of it? Crunchier but to-die-for.

  8. Sorry it didn’t work out for you, but it shouldn’t have made a difference if you just halved it. I wasn’t sure what you meant when you said a ‘sugar free’ version. Gosh I cant imagine being able to make fudge without sugar. Its pretty much all about sugar and butter. Glad it worked out in the end and yours looked delicious.

    1. thanks Sam! I tried yours twice, once with fructose and once with sugar, but both times only half the ingredients – but you are right, fudge is all about the sugar as I have some sugar free one that just does not taste the same. Have a great weekend 🙂

  9. I think it’s great that you went with a simple recipe with easy flavors. Good job!

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