Grape Harvest Cake | A Tuscan Tradition

For our winemakers, this years’ harvest might not have been enough. Tonnage was down due to the effects of the drought and I doubt many of them had reasons to celebrate. But, we need to be grateful for the fact the rain eventually came, and things should be better next year. To mark the end of this season, I made a grape harvest cake. And let me tell you, this is one cake I could not get enough of.

Grape Harvest Cake
Grape Harvest Cake
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Grape Harvest Cake ♥

When do you say enough is enough? Last year when Dave and I got back from Italy I had a discussion with someone laying out some boundaries. I felt it was necessary as I am not good with yo-yo type relationships. You know the ones where you are good enough some days, but not good enough most days? I thought my words were heard but I must have been mistaken. A few months after that, an arrangement we had was postponed and then cancelled. I understood the reason and did not get upset. That weekend however one of the boundaries was broken and I decided that enough was enough. But my resolve broke down when an effort was made a month later. In saying that, I did think that the effort was more out of obligation than anything else.

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Months went by with very little contact between the two of us. And then suddenly I was asked to make myself available for a visit. I was quite surprised when the date came and the arrangement was kept. My attempts at a follow-up visit have been received with excuse after excuse. Arrangements have been made and broken and just basically forgotten. And my latest attempt has been ignored. So, it is with a broken heart that the time has come to now to let this person go. My life is full and I want it to be surrounded with people who care. Not just about me, but about themselves as well. This is such a hard thing to do but I realize as time goes by that some relationships are just not worth fighting for. Do you ever feel the need to cut someone out of your life?
Grape Harvest Cake

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Grape Harvest Cake

Known in Italian as schiaciatta con l'uva, this is a traditional cake from the Tuscan region
Recipe Category: Baking
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 4 eggs
  • 250 g fructose
  • 80 mls sweet red wine
  • 150 mls olive oil
  • 75 mls milk
  • 5 mls vanilla extract
  • 1 orange, zest only
  • 400 g flour sifted
  • 10 mls baking powder sifted
  • 400 g large seedless red grapes cut in half
  • 200 g small seedless red grapes
  • 30 mls coconut sugar


  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • Place the eggs and fructose into the bowl of a stand mixer and whisk until at ribbon stage
  • Pour in the wine, oil, milk, vanilla and zest and stir to combine
  • Mix the flour and baking powder together and then add a third to the egg mixture
  • Gently fold in then add half of the flour left over, gently folding it in
  • Add the rest of the flour and gently fold in
  • Add the large grapes and gently stir to combine
  • Pour the batter into a lined 23cm spring form tin
  • Place into the oven for 10 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and gently pess the small grapes into the batter
  • Sprinkle the top with the coconut sugar and place back into the oven
  • Bake for 70 minutes then remove from the oven
  • Leave to cool completely in the tin before turning out

I am away for motor racing and work and will have limited access to the internet while I am gone. Please forgive me if I don’t reply to comments straight away. I will be back at work on the 3rd of June. 

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime May 24:

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9 thoughts on “Grape Harvest Cake | A Tuscan Tradition

  1. What a lovely idea for a cake. It looks to be a nice companion to a glass of port.
    As for yo-yo acquaintances, I’m with, sometimes you just got to walk away.

  2. Tandy, I love the sound and look of this cake…I can almost taste it. Can I replace the fructose for castor sugar and if so perhaps reduce the amount of sugar?

    Unfortunately I have done the same re walking away from a relationship. It was very hard as the person was a very significant part of my life. Where as I loved her, the hurt she brought to me and my family meant I could no longer engage. Even though heartsick, I know it was best for both of us.

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