A Hrapoćuša Cake is a Croatian walnut cake from the island of Brač. It has hints of lemon and orange. This two layered cake is gluten free and keeps well.
The term ‘an accident waiting to happen’ could replace my middle name with ease. Even though I don’t have many accidents, when they do happen they seem quite momentous. I have scars to prove I do not do things in half measures. The weekend before we went overseas it was fairly hot. I put on some long cotton pants which happen to be very wide. While moving a pot plant I got my foot caught in the one leg, but as it was the first time I thought it would also be the last time that this would happen. Needless to say I was wrong. While walking up the stairs into the cottage kitchen my foot got trapped in my pants. I ended up face planting on the floor, bruising my already injured knee. My shoulder took the brunt of the fall, leaving me with limited mobility. And I bruised my face badly enough that not even makeup would cover the bruise.
Feeling very sorry for myself off I went to the chemist to top up on Traumeel. I swear by them and by the Sunday I was feeling a lot less battered, even though the bruises were quite colourful. I carefully carried my stand mixer into the main kitchen and whipped up my Hrapoćuša Cake. I found it a bit too sweet and it had not quite baked enough so I tinkered a bit with the recipe. I made this again when we got back from holiday and served it as dessert for a dinner party we had with friends.
I am passionate about using regional, seasonable and sustainable produce when I cook. I live in Gordons Bay with my husband and dogs. We visit new places locally and overseas as often as we can to experience the food of the area. Follow along on our adventures!
View all posts by Tandy
33 thoughts on “Hrapoćuša Cake | Croatian Walnut Cake”
I love the mix of nuts and citrus fruits…I can see how this cake tastes pretty amazing! But I am not even going to pretend I can pronounce or remember its name 😉
So sorry to hear about your accidents. I’ve had that happen before with wide pants. On the flip side, the cake you whipped up looks seriously delicious. Almond and creme de cassis are two of my favorite foodie items 🙂 What a wonderful way to treat yourself after the “accidents.” Cheers!
Sorry to hear about your injury Tandy, hope you are feeling better now! This cake looks so moist and delicious I could reach out across my screen right now!
This is my type of cake. Nutty, dense and a little chewy. We’ve visited Croatia but I didn’t see this (that I can recall) but it was so hot we spent most of the time swimming and living on gelato!
Looks delicious, I would love to try it ❤
It is really good Natalia 🙂
Ouch Tandy, that fall sounds like it was pretty bad, glad you are allright. This cake looks very moist and delicious!
The cake is seriously moist 🙂
Yummy! I love walnuts.
I think this is the best way to enjoy them 🙂
I was going to try this cake but I read others commented about the sweetness of it so I didn’t. It looks good though, especially with modifications!
Thanks Lorraine. It was still sweet 🙂
I have never heard of Hrapoćuša Cake before but sounds like this would be a great addition to weekend menu.
It would indeed!
I love the mix of nuts and citrus fruits…I can see how this cake tastes pretty amazing! But I am not even going to pretend I can pronounce or remember its name 😉
Me either Pat!
Oh no poor you! I can be a juinx too put your pants are mean! I found it too sweet too but a fun discovery.
It was really sweet!
I want a slice of this with a cup of coffee, especially on this rainy Fall day!
It would have been perfect!
Oh this sounds absolutely amazing!
Thanks Krysten!
So sorry to hear about your accidents. I’ve had that happen before with wide pants. On the flip side, the cake you whipped up looks seriously delicious. Almond and creme de cassis are two of my favorite foodie items 🙂 What a wonderful way to treat yourself after the “accidents.” Cheers!
It was the perfect treat 🙂
Sorry to hear about your injury Tandy, hope you are feeling better now! This cake looks so moist and delicious I could reach out across my screen right now!
I am totally healed, thank you 🙂
That looks super delicious! Those citrus flavours would be a nice extra to the taste of the cake.
They really stood out!
Youch! That sounds like a very painful fall. So glad you’re OK! The cake looks deliciously moist. 🙂
Thanks Krista 🙂
That looks so moist
It was very moist Tammy 🙂
This is my type of cake. Nutty, dense and a little chewy. We’ve visited Croatia but I didn’t see this (that I can recall) but it was so hot we spent most of the time swimming and living on gelato!
When it is hot nothing beats gelato!