Lobster Ceviche

Lobster Ceviche
Lobster Ceviche

It is September, and the start of a very busy month for me. Dave and I are heading to France this month which means scheduling my blog posts for while we are away. This in turn means making a few things in advance, and finding the words for posts when maybe the inspiration is not quite striking. A while back I had a plethora of reviews for my Wednesday posts and now I have run out of them. This is a great excuse to eat out of course. I made this lobster ceviche in April and even though I had the photographs in the folder, I did not have the recipe typed up until today! That was also a busy time for us. Easter Friday fell the week before we were to leave for Wales and we spent the long weekend crayfishing, eating and organizing. I made this ceviche as a quick meal to enjoy in the last of the summer heat. We left for Wales on the Thursday and so a quick meal was perfect to help me save time on things that didn’t really need my full attention. If you are going to make this lobster ceviche be sure to get fresh lobster. There is many a debate on how to kill them humanely. We place them into fresh water and wait until they stop moving to know that they are dead. If we are going to steam them we place them into large pot which has a fair amount of sea water on the bottom. Once the water is boiling we add the whole crayfish and steam them for 9 minutes. If we are going to use the tails for other preparations, we remove the tail from the body and just steam the body as the head and claws make for a great meal. The food tract is then removed from the tail and we have tails ready for many uses. I usually freeze the tails for when we have visitors. In this instance I removed the flesh from the shell and we ate them the same day we caught them.

Lobster Ceviche
Fresh Crayfish Ceviche
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Lobster Ceviche

Recipe Category: Shellfish
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 2 lobster tails, sliced medium thickness
  • 2 limes, zest and juice
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice
  • 5 mls olive oil
  • 15 mls fennel fronds, chopped
  • 1 chilli, sliced


  • Layer the lobster onto a plate
  • Mix together the rest of the ingredients and pour over the lobster
  • Leave for 12 minutes before serving

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Lobster Ceviche

What I blogged:

"West Coast Rock Lobster Ceviche"
West Coast Rock Lobster Ceviche

Lavender and Lime Signature

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33 thoughts on “Lobster Ceviche

  1. Oh, yes – Tandy and I was just given a crayfish today now I know what I am going to do with it:) Thanks for a great recipe.

  2. I’m a big ceviche fan, but have never had lobster ceviche… This looks SO good!! Sounds like September is going to be pretty fabulous for you!! 🙂

  3. Your lobster just has stunning visual appeal, although I confess I have never actually tried lobster before! But others have told me it’s absolutely delicious so maybe it’s time to give it a whirl. Heading to France for Fall sounds lovely =)

  4. What a beautiful dish. It look so sumptuous. Well, have an absolutely wonderful trip, and I look forward to hearing about your travels upon your return!

  5. It is just barely September and I already feel like the month is slipping away. So many things scheduled! I hope you have a great trip to France.
    I’ve never had ceviche, but this looks delightful. Love the fennel in this recipe.

  6. Wow, lobster ceviche…looks delicious, my mouth is watering just by looking at the photos…yum!
    Have a great week Tandy 😀

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