
Praline is a great addition to chocolates when making truffles. With just two ingredients needed, you should be able to whip this up easily.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Praline ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

When I was 7 I knew that I could play at my friend Angie’s house if her mother was in a good mood. I knew that if I hurt myself I had to go across the road to to get the cut cleaned. I knew that if I was out playing I had to be home before the street lights turned on, and I knew that any day I felt like it, I could climb over the wall and spend time at my neighbour’s house. I knew how to read, tie my shoe laces and get myself ready for school. When I was 7 I did not know how to play chess, I didn’t know that electricity could kill you and I did not know that flesh smells disgusting when burnt! But, I learnt all of that very quickly. One afternoon Kerry (my sister) and I were at the neighbour’s house. We were playing in the swimming pool with David and Peter, and we all went inside to listen to records. The record player had a transformer box, and the plug was loose. I tried to put the plug in, but it fell onto my wet hand and I was electrocuted. That day I learnt that something really bad had happened as my mom came home from work to take me to the Doctor – I was not told to go across the road to have Mrs. Matchin look at my hand. That was the day I became paralysed in my right arm. And the day I started learning a whole lot of new skills. I have never stopped learning new skills and in case you were wondering, I was lucky enough to get the use of my arm back after 8 months of therapy. One of the skills I have learnt is that working with fructose is not as complicated as I thought it was. I have made praline with fructose and learnt that if you use it straight away it will keep its crunch. If kept in an airtight container it will clump together! I made this praline for my Paris-Brest pastries that I made last year.

Have you learnt a new skill recently?

Paris-Brest Using Praline
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This is a great addition to chocolates when making truffles
Recipe Category: Baking, Sweets
Makes enough for: 1 batch praline
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 200 g nuts of your choice
  • 200 g fructose


  • Place the nuts into a non stick frying pan and heat over a low temperature
  • Place the fructose into a stainless steel frying pan and heat over a medium temperature until a caramel forms
  • Add the nuts and stir quickly
  • Pour out onto a silpat immediately
  • Leave to cool
  • Blitz in a food processor until fine

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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45 thoughts on “Praline

  1. OMG … Thank goodness it all worked out okay, were you scared? You write about it like you didnt really see it as a big deal. Gah, so brave! 🙂 New skill I have learnt recently… Hmm, learning to make a traditional Pho with my very dear Vietnamese friend. Tasty and fun! 🙂

  2. Oh gosh, for anybody, learning new skills that way sounds awful painful! Hope it was much more fun and more tasty learning to make this praline! It looks delicious!

    Choc Chip Uru

  3. Wow those look delicious. Sorry to hear about your arm, I never knew about that. Sounds like a blessing…and too close for comfort… but a blessing you are with us.
    Have a great new year.

  4. Oh wow Tandy! I had no idea about your awful experience when you were so young. I’m so glad you’ve recovered from it and have gone on to learn so much more! xx

  5. Wow, what a story. That’s great you were able to get use of your arm back! I’ve never made praline and this looks fantastic!

  6. 5 stars
    I’m SO glad you not only weren’t killed outright but managed to recover the use of your arm. What a fright! Your mother must’ve been absolutely beside herself, too.

    But your learning new things is clearly not all bad: the praline recipe sounds like a real winner.


  7. Hi Tandy, I always wanted to learn how to make praline, thanks! So glad you got movement back in your hand, what a scary experience as a child.

  8. What a lovely praline recipe Tandy thank you for sharing. Oh my goodness you were so lucky that day to escape only with a paralysed arm and I am so thankful that you regained full usage after 8 months. Not only so you could keep cooking obviously but that you regained whole use of your arm. This is inspirational xx

  9. 5 stars
    Oh my goodness Tandy that was a very traumatic injury. However, I always knew you were a very strong little lady to overcome. I have cooked with fructose but I know with all of your handy tips and advise you would make it simple and easy for us first timers.

  10. I haven’t had praline in so long. I remember I use to put it in my homemade ice cream. Loving this recipe Tandy

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