Salmon Pasta

I love the saying “it never rains, it pours”. And this past week, it seems to apply to me very well. Last Thursday night I lost my charm bracelet which has a charm for each year we have been married. Then I decided I would make a pasta dish for our Sunday night supper. I am using up all our tinned ingredients as I want to only eat fresh food wherever possible, and so I created a pasta dish using tinned salmon as that is what I had in my pantry. For this, I decided to take some pictures of the unfinished dish, to see how they would compare to the end product. I then placed the pasta into the cold oven to ‘store’ it there until we got home from our wine tasting. But I ended up knocking the edge of the dish against the edge of the oven, and the pasta ended up all over the floor, between the (non removable) door of the oven, and under the oven. It was a mess which had to be painstakingly cleaned, morsel by morsel. I was so grateful for the photos I had taken, as the end product was not very pretty at all. Dave says the flavour is good, so I am sharing with you my ‘disaster’.

Salmon Pasta
Salmon Pasta
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Salmon Pasta Recipe

Recipe Category: Italian
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 200 g pasta, cooked to package instructions
  • 15 mls olive oil
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 415 g tinned pink salmon
  • 5 mls dried dill
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
  • 60 mls Mascarpone cheese
  • Parmesan cheese for garnishing


  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • While the pasta is cooking, heat the oil in a pan
  • Sauté the shallot and garlic until soft
  • Add the salmon and using a wooden spoon, break it up
  • Add the dill and the pepper
  • Remove from the heat and add the Mascarpone cheese
  • Adjust the seasoning
  • Drain the pasta and season with salt
  • Add to the salmon and mix well
  • Place into an ovenproof dish
  • Cover the top with grated Parmesan
  • Bake for 15 minutes

I am submitting this recipe to Presto Pasta Nights, which is being hosted this week by Helen of Fuss Free Flavours

Lavender and Lime Signature

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42 thoughts on “Salmon Pasta

  1. That sounds great, I love salmon – more the fresh than the tinned, but whatever is available really.

    So sorry about your bracelet, it is so hard to lose the stuff with emotional ties

    1. thanks Sidey! I am very sad (and scared to look at the replacement quote), but it is just a bracelet at the end of the day and I must keep that in mind 🙂

        1. the memories I have thankfully, in my heart! And I am not even sure I can replace the bracelet as it is WAY over my insured value!

          1. you just have to start a new one,. first charm to represent what was lost, and a better catch and safety chain on it as well

          2. a better catch and a safety chain is a great idea! I think however that the one charm must have caught on something a caused the bracelet to break. I will try and make sure that I don’t get more of those type of charms 🙂

          3. its hard to kmow what causes what. i lost an expensive watch when the safety chain went and I didn;t replace it

  2. Oh dear, it happens to us all. I once went to a food demo that Anthony Worral Thompson did at a BBC Good Food show and he dropped the dish too. He was rather under the influence at the time though 😉 Still, I´m sure it tasted fabulous and I am holding out hope that the bracelet will turn up…

  3. Sorry About your bracelet, I hope its just misplaced! Somethings just are not replaceble.
    Oooh what a disaster with the pasta, I would have cried my eyes out!Sounds yum tough!

    1. I was so mad at myself for dropping the bloody food all over the show! How are you and the little one? Have a super day xxx

    1. I went back to the estate yesterday – the sieved the cap by hand for me but sadly, it is gone! I felt so stupid after dropping the supper 🙂

  4. I’ve definitely had episodes like that in the kitchen…it pours on all of us at some point or another! The salmon pasta sounds super tasty though!

  5. Miserable about your charm bracelet, and when that dish hit the floor you must have almost wept! Knowing all the work necessary to get all that clean again. Don’t give up on the bracelet though these things have a habit of being found again. I once lost three rings off my shrinking fingers in a london winter and in spring after the man had come through to clean the gutters they were all left twinkling in the sunlight – found and returned to me by the neighbour who had heard me lamenting their loss. I was amazed! have a much better day today tandy!! c

    1. that is an amazing story! My friend the winemaker combed through the cap looking for my bracelet. I think it is lost in the wind so to speak 🙂

  6. I’m so sad that your bracelet never turned up. I’m sure you’ve looked everywhere you possibly could. Maybe you need to have something special like that, but different, for every seven years of your marriage. Dave can start saving now. 😉 These kitchen accidents do happen, but at least it was salvageable and still looks so tasty. Hugs xx

    1. I am going to have it replaced AD, if I can get the insurance broker to understand it was LOST! I did however have a dream last night about it *makes note to check can once more* 🙂

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