Salt Alternative Spice Blend

If you are looking for a salt alternative spice blend, look no further. This one contains easy to find ingredients and works perfectly in a standard salt grinder.

Salt Alternative Spice Blend
Salt Alternative Spice Blend
Head straight on to the Recipe For Salt Alternative Spice Blend ♥

Are you very active on social media? I find I don’t really have the time to invest in all the forms of social media I have available to me. My first commitment work wise is to my paying job. And then I need to spend time on my blog. Part of that includes replying to comments and reading other people’s posts. Then there is instagram which I love, but don’t make enough use of. I seldom find myself on pinterest and only pop in to twitter a few times a day. And then only to check my own notifications. Out of all the social media available to me, I frequent Facebook the most often. I find it a great way to keep up-to-date with my friends and family. My form of interaction is usually limited to clicking the like button!

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Salt Alternative Spice Blend ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

I love all the new options available so someone can see if I found something funny, or love what they had to say or share. I very seldom comment, preferring to send someone a message via WhatsApp. Recently however, I have felt the need to step away somewhat from my personal Facebook page. I have someone who is watching my every step very closely and I find it a bit creepy. The interaction is just beyond what I consider a normal interest in my life. There is no alternative to Facebook and it is the one form of social media I use a lot, so I find myself facing a bit of a conundrum. Where I did not feel any conundrum was turning Lorraine’s Vadouvan into a Salt Alternative Spice Blend. I am always looking for new ways to spice our food, and this is one full of flavour.

Salt Alternative Spice Blend

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Salt Alternative Spice Blend

This is a great alternative to use in place of salt to flavour your food
Recipe Category: Spice Blend
Makes enough for: 1 portion spice blend
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Not Quite Nigella


  • 20 mls cumin seeds
  • 10 mls coriander seeds
  • 5 mls fenugreek
  • 15 mls whole cardamom, seeds removed
  • 5 mls yellow mustard seeds
  • 2.5 mls fennel seeds
  • 20 mls dried onion flakes
  • 5 mls dried garlic flakes


  • Place all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix to combine
  • Store in a spice grinder and use as needed
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime July 31:

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13 thoughts on “Salt Alternative Spice Blend

  1. 5 stars
    Hi Tandy, Instagram is my favorite social media and you can even make your account private though I’m not sure how to do it, wish you luck with your facebook account. Love this salt alternative, sounds delicious!

  2. This is an interesting blend. I use spices regularly but it’s never occurred to me to put them together in a grinder. Very clever. I like social media but like you, can’t spread myself across all the platforms. I love Pinterest but rarely go on these days (although it is a nice activity if you are in front of the TV and need to fill time between ads). Similarly, I am mainly on FB these days but you know what they say about that. It’s a platform for ‘old people’.

  3. This is a great post, Tandy. My Dad should have salt [but does] so this might be a good alternative for him. You can unfriend people on Facebook, Tandy, if they are making you worried. You can also change your privacy settings so that you information isn’t available to all and sundry.

    1. I have my privacy settings very private already. The issue is with my Lavender and Lime page which is less easy to manage. Let me know if you make this for your dad 🙂

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