I have taken the some more contraction of s’more to a further contraction and called these smore biscuits. I must say, on their own they were very moreish and I ate quite a few without all the extras.

Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Smore Biscuits ♥
What is a s’more?
A s’more is a camping treat most common to the United States and Canada. All you need is a decent size marshmallow, a block of chocolate and two graham crackers. You toast the marshmallow over a campfire and then place it on top of one of the crackers. The chocolate is then placed on top so it will melt, before sandwiching the whole lot with another cracker. Hannah introduced Dave to this treat by getting him to microwave a marshmallow on a biscuit, with the chocolate between the biscuit and the marshmallow. She then shared this with him, and I could tell by his face it was really sweet.
Making smore biscuits
Having watched Hannah enjoy her treat I thought about making my own version of a s’more. First I would need a stable enough biscuit to use as a sandwich. I have no idea what to call these, so have settled on the name smore biscuits. For the chocolate layer I made a chestnut chocolate ganache. This was piped on top of marshmallow fluff to create the same effect. The assembled biscuit had a lovely texture, but was a tad too sweet for me. They did however keep well enough for us to share with anyone who popped in to visit.
Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Smore Biscuits ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Smore Biscuits
- 55 g butter, softened
- 40 g icing sugar
- 1 egg yolk
- 60 g almond flour
- 90 g flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting
- 0.625 mls baking powder
- Place the butter and sugar into a stand mixer bowl and cream together until pale
- Add the egg yolk and stir until combined
- Add the almond flour and fold in
- Place the flour and baking powder into a bowl and whisk to combine
- Add the stand mixer bowl and fold in until a dough forms
- Shape the dough into a ball and press into a disc
- Cover with clingfilm and place into the fridge for 15 minutes
- Roll out on a lightly floured sirface until 3mm thick
- Cut out 5cm rounds, rerolling the dough as necessary
- Place the dough onto a lined baking tray and place into the fridge for 10 minutes
- Preheat the oven to 160° Celsius
- Place the baking tray into the oven and bake for 20 minutes
- Remove the tray from the oven and leave the biscuits to cool for 5 minutes on the tray before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely
See the links below for blog posts I published on May 28:
- 2022: Basic Guide To Pan Frying
- 2021: Cinnamon Bun Rusks
- 2018: Pea And Yoghurt Dip
- 2017: You Said Forever
- 2015: Lamingtons
- 2014: Packing Your Suitcase
- 2012: Caramelized Apples
- 2011: The Omnivore’s Hundred
- 2010: Cointreau Soufflé
these sound good tho i tend to eat less sweet things as i age 🙂
Wish I could say the same haha 🙂
Hi Tandy, happy voting day. This recipe sounds very nice 😊
Thanks! And I gather you voted before you went away?
Such a clever and delicious looking idea for smores! They look really pretty too..
Thanks so much!
I just commented but I think I forgot to fill in all my info.
I will go and look now ….
What a beautiful spin on a classic American treat. And with the marshmallow fluff and chestnut ganache, you’ve elevated it to a completely new level – elegant and fancy!
Thanks Ben!
Tandy, this recipe is very creative and I am sure delicious.
Thank you Bernadette 🙂