Spiced Raisin Bread

This spiced raisin bread is perfect for tea time treats and breakfasts. Especially the mornings when you do not have time to prepare anything else. Just toast the bread and slather with butter!

Spiced Raisin Bread
Spiced Raisin Bread
Head straight on to the Recipe For Spiced Raisin Bread ♥

Our Saturday morning did not really start off that well. We woke up nice and early, and had coffee in bed. Once I had finished reading blogs and emails I went to get ready. We had to be somewhere at 10am and I did not want to be in a rush. Dave suggested we go out for breakfast and as I had told him where we had to be, he gave me the option of two places. I chose the one I had not been to as he and the boys said it was really good. We then locked up the house, Dave moved the van, and we got into the car. Except the battery was flat and would not start. We then closed up the garage and made our way to Somerset West in my car. We arrived shortly after 9am and ordered espressi as we sat down.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Spiced Raisin Bread ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

At 9h12 we placed our breakfast order and 20 minutes later we asked when we could expect it as we had to leave at 9h45. We were told it would take less than 5 minutes, and so we said OK and asked for the bill. Dave had left his wallet at home so I paid and while I was doing so, my calendar alert sounded. And I realized I had told Dave the incorrect venue. This was not a train smash but we needed to be prompt in leaving as we had never been to where we had to go. The promised 5 minutes came and went, and 8 minutes later we went to cancel our order. It was just being plated, but we had run out of time. We will go back during the week for breakfast, but starting my day without food is never a good thing.
Spiced Raisin Bread

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Spiced Raisin Bread

This is traditionally served at Christmas but we enjoy it during the entire year
Recipe Category: Bread
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 230 g raisins
  • 115 mls boiling water, plus extra as needed
  • 55 g salted butter
  • 60 g fructose
  • 2.5 mls salt
  • 17.5 mls ground cardamom
  • 1 egg
  • 530 g flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 14 g instant dry yeast
  • 2 lemons, zest only
  • 240 mls milk

For baking

  • 1 egg white, slackened

For glazing

  • 10 g butter, melted


  • Place the raisins into a bowl, cover with water and set aside to rehydrate for 30 minutes
  • Strain the water into a measuring jug and set the raisins aside
  • Top up the reserved water to 115mls
  • Place the milk and butter into a sauce pan and heat on a medium temperature
  • Set aside once the butter has melted
  • Place the fructose, salt, cardamom and egg into a stand mixer bowl
  • Whisk to combine and then add the flour, yeast, raisins, lemon zest, milk and water
  • Use a dough hook to bring the ingredients together and then knead on a low speed for 10 minutes
  • Cover the bowl and leave to prove until doubled in size
  • Turn out onto a lightly floured surface, gently knock back and then shape to fit into a loaf tin
  • Place the dough into a greased loaf tin, seam side down, cover and leave to prove until the dough fills the tin
  • Preheat the oven to 150° Celsius

For baking

  • Slash the top of the bread and brush the egg white on top of the bread
  • Bake for 45 minutes, and then increase the temperature to 160° Celsius
  • Bake for a further 30 minutes and then remove from the oven

For glazing

  • Brush the top of the bread with the melted butter and then leave to cool in the tin before turning out

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime March 4:

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17 thoughts on “Spiced Raisin Bread

  1. Yum – fruit bread is one of my fav’s and it freezes well! It’ tradition in our house to buy a Pantone and on Christmas morning toast it and serve with a platter of summer fruits. I’ll have to try my hand at yours. I am an avid bread baker, sourdough usually from my starter and am looking forward to making Hot Cross Buns for Easter again this year. Thanks Tandy

  2. Tandy I must admit I usually just buy raised bread from the store. Making your version would be something very special~kind of like Christmas! Thanks for sharing.

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