Vegan Bowl

The concept of a vegan bowl is not new, nor unique. But it was a necessity for me to showcase the sunflower seed dressing I made. The great thing about these bowls is that they are extremely filling. And you can use seasonal ingredients.

Vegan Bowl With Sunflower Seed Dressing
Vegan Bowl With Sunflower Seed Dressing
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Vegan Bowl ♥

We South Africans are a resilient lot! We survived listeriosis, otherwise known as polonygate. And we showed up as a nation when Covid hit. We have had riots, floods and fires and still we stand together. But where we might show the most resilience is our ability to cope with rolling blackouts. These have been a reality for us since 2008 and our very incompetent parastatal has made the situation worse, not better. The City of Cape Town has the least amount of downtime, and still we have no power for 5 hours a day. I have yet to decide whether the worst is during working hours, or dinner. But I do know for sure that we now have to address the situation with a working solution. And that solution is solar power. Luckily for us, we live in Sunny SA.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Vegan Bowl ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

We already have solar powered geysers and that has proven to be a huge saving on our electricity cost. The pump is also solar powered which means we don’t run the water through the system when the sun is not shining. Our next step is to put in solar panels and a battery backup. The cost is immense and to that end I have had to extend our home loan. This is not something I had planned on doing. But we just cannot carry on like this, with the situation only worsening in the next couple of years. If we pay the loan off at the prescribed rate over the given time period, it will take us ten years. And it will cost us an extra 50% because of the finance. I am going to try and flatten the loan as quickly as possible, and hopefully the long term gain will be worth the short term pain.

Vegan Bowl With Sunflower Seed Dressing

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Vegan Bowl

Use seasonal fresh produce for your vegan bowls
Recipe Category: Salad, Vegetarian
Makes enough for: 2 people
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 90 g cous cous
  • 250 mls boiling water
  • 25 g liquid vegetable stock
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
  • 60 mls salad dressing, plus extra for serving
  • 1 cob corn
  • 120 g fresh peas
  • 80 g mini tomatoes, cut in half
  • 1 avocado pear, cut in half and sliced
  • 1 lime, juice only


  • Place the cous cous into a bowl
  • Pour the water into a jug, add the stock and stir to combine
  • Pour over the cous cous, cover and set aside until cool
  • Season to taste, stir the dressing through the cous cous, then divide between two bowls
  • Place the corn onto a griddle pan and grill until cooked
  • Take the corn off the cob and divide between the two bowls
  • Divide the peas and tomatoes between the two bowls
  • Squeeze the lime juice over the avocado pear and divide between the bowls
  • Season to taste, and serve with some extra dressing on the side
View the previous posts on December 29:

This is my last post for 2022. I hope the year treated you with kindness and may 2023 hold all that you need. Thank you for being a part of my journey this year.

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10 thoughts on “Vegan Bowl

  1. Yes I know what you mean about fire and floods and droughts and … Australia cops it all, and often at the same time. At least we don’t have to worry about power outage – well, so far. Love couscous and avocado but I’d probably have edamame rather than peas. Happy new year to you!

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