I can eat potatoes any which way at any time of the day. I recently bought a new ricer from Yuppiechef. It was expensive but worth the outlay.
There are tips worth mentioning when talking about mashing potatoes. In South Africa we currently have a very limited variety of potatoes. I believe that this is about to change thanks to Woolworths. If possible get potatoes that are specific for mashing. No matter what, ensure you choose firm potatoes with no green or black discolouration on the skin. They should not be sprouting and can be stored in a dark, cool place.
Potatoes need to be dry before mashing or ricing. You can boil your potatoes but if you do, drain them and then place them back in the pot, and cover the pot with a dish towel and the lid to draw out the moisture. You can also bake them on a bed of rock salt. I prefer to steam mine whole with the skins on, and peel them as soon as they are cooked through.
A good mash needs hot potatoes, warm milk chilled butter. Do not overwork the potatoes as you do not want a gloopy starchy mound on your plate. Keep your hand light and whisk to ensure a fluffy soft mash.

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I bought a ricer on impulse 2 years ago and it is still in the packaging – I think I need to break out and use it. Thanks for the inspiration.
you will not regret it! I use mine for carrots as well, and with the new one can start using it more and more 🙂
*Ponders buying a ricer …*
really worth it!
lol – dont laugh, but because we usually dont have a lot of potatoes in the house, I make smash! (shock horror… lols) always add a bit of cream and butter to it though…
NOOOOOOOO, banish the smash and buy potatoes!
Hmmm…think I might search for this online 🙂 🙂 Thanks my friend xx
anytime! have a super rest of your Thursday xxx
This gadget is not only great for mash, it makes spatze like a bomb!!
I must give it a try! Thanks Nina 🙂