Cherry Compote

The cherry season is extremely short so this cherry compote is a great way to ensure you can enjoy this succulent fruit in winter. Pam Corbin recommends using this compote for pies and crumbles, as a cheesecake topping or served with panna cotta or vanilla ice cream. I used it for my chocolate mousse cake.

Cherry Compote
Cherry Compote
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Cherry Compote ♥

In the week leading up to Black Friday, Woolworths had a great initiative. They put donation cards at the tills for people to donate towards #zerohunger. The aim was to raise 4.5 million Rand to help provide meals, reduce food waste, and improve nutrition in our communities. According to their website, 13.9 million South Africans are food insecure. A third of all produce grown in South Africa ends up in landfill. The waste irks me as that food could go towards alleviating hunger. Even scarier is the fact that 46% of all produce grown around the world does not end up being consumed. Woolworths donate their surplus food to 1400 charitable organizations and it makes my heart happy when I see the collections being made. There are so many ways we can make a difference at home just by doing a few small things.

Be inspired to make ♥ Cherry Compote ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

The first is to support local farmers by buying from farmers’ markets if you can. Buy what you need, when you plan on using it. Make leftovers a part of your meal plans by eating what you don’t finish at dinner for lunch the next day. Make good use of your freezer so that your excess fresh produce ends up being frozen, rather than being thrown away. Buy what is in season locally so that you get the best nutrition from your food. Following this advice, I bought a large punnet of cherries from Woolworths. They are in season right now, and I used most of them to make this cherry compote. The compote will keep and I ate the leftover cherries straight away.

Chocolate Mousse Cake, Black Forest Soft Serve, Cherry Compote
Chocolate Mousse Cake, Black Forest Soft Serve, Cherry Compote

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Cherry Compote

Make this using plump, in season cherries
Recipe Category: Preserves
Makes enough for: 1 batch compote
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Pam The Jam page 87


  • 335 g pitted cherries *
  • 17.5 mls lemon juice
  • 50 mls water, divided
  • 30 g honey
  • 5 mls arrowroot
  • 1.875 mls vanilla extract
  • Small pinch of fine slat
  • 15 mls Kirsch


  • Place the cherries and lemon juice into a sauce pan with 35mls water
  • Bring to a simmer over a medium to low temperature, gently shaking the pan occasionally to turn the cherries
  • Add the honey and stir gently until dissolved then leave to simmer for 4 minutes
  • Place the arrow root, vanilla, salt and the rest of the water into a small bowl
  • Mix to combine and then stir into the cherries
  • Simmer for another 2 minutes until the sauce is thick and glossy
  • Pour the Kirsch into a sterilized glass jar and then top with the cherries
  • Leave to cool before screwing the lid on tightly
  • When completely cool transfer to the fridge where you can store them for up to 1 year
  • Use within 7 days of opening


* do not worry if you are slightly over or under this weight
To sterilize your glass jar see this post
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime December 13:

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