Orange And Ginger Marmalade

In December of last year the audio stopped working on my phone. This made it very frustrating to take calls as I had to locate my headset and plug it in to be able to talk in private. I bought a Bluetooth headset hoping it would make it easier, but the battery life was shocking and so that went straight back to the store. When I took my phone in to the service provider in January I was told it could be repaired under warranty up until the middle of October. I was only due for an upgrade in June and held out until then, taking and making a few phone calls on speaker that probably should have been done in private. In June MTN staff went on strike, and my new phone took longer than planned to get into my hands. I transferred all my data from the old phone to the new one and wiped my old phone of everything personal. Once the factory settings were restored I took the phone in for repair. Can you imagine my amazement when I was told that the keyboard on my phone was generic and as it was not the original, the warranty was null and void. The phone would cost R2800 to repair, or I could get it back at a cost of R300 without it being repaired. Someone, at some point, had replaced my keyboard but no-one could follow up due to the strike. After 2 complaints on a site dealing with consumer issues, a complaint to the Ombudsman, messages directly to the supplier and tweets I finally could collect my phone! And it only took 6 weeks *insert sarcastic tone here*. It appears that the phone had a factory check and the keyboard was replaced then (and no, I don’t believe that), and due to that, I received a brand new phone! While all of this was going on, I also received a lot of ginger. I decided to make this orange and ginger marmalade as I also had a lot of oranges in my fridge. This made enough for me to experiment with a few recipes, and give a bottle as a thank you gift to the person who gave me the ginger.

Gingerale Scone With Orange And Ginger Marmalade
Gingerale Scone With Orange And Ginger Marmalade
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Orange And Ginger Marmalade

This marmalade is packed full of flavour and can be used for more than just a scone or bread topping
Recipe Category: Marmalade
Makes enough for: 1 batch marmalade
All Rights Reserved: Adapted From Preserve page 50


  • 10 oranges, juice and zest
  • 2.5 l water
  • 125 g peeled weight fresh root ginger, finely chopped
  • 1.5 kg fructose
  • 30 g pectin


  • Finely chop the zest
  • Place the zest and the juice into a very large stock pot
  • Add the water, ginger and the squeezed out orange rinds
  • Bring to a boil over a medium temperature
  • Remove from the heat and set aside to cool
  • When you can handle the orange rinds, scoop them out one at a time
  • Squeeze any juice still left in the rinds and then discard
  • Add this juice back into the pot, together with the fructose and the pectin
  • Dissolve the sugar while stirring constantly, over a low temperature
  • Once dissolved, bring to a boil over a high temperature
  • Leave to boil, skimming the scum with a slotted spoon
  • When the marmalade is
  • While doing the set test, remove the marmalade from the heat.
  • When you are confident the marmalade will set, leave to stand for 15 minutes
  • Stir well and then pour the marmalade into warm sterilized glass jars
  • Cover the marmalade with a disc of wax paper (wax side down)
  • Once completely cold, place the lid on the jars
  • Store for up to 3 months in a cold, dark place
  • Refrigerate once open


To do a set test place a teaspoon of the marmalade onto a saucer. Place the saucer into the freezer for 3 minutes.
Then run your finger through the marmalade and if the indentation remains the marmalade will set.
If not, return the marmalade to the heat, boil for 5 minutes and repeat until set.

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Orange And Ginger Marmalade
Orange And Ginger Marmalade

What I blogged October

Lavender and Lime Signature

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51 thoughts on “Orange And Ginger Marmalade

  1. Oh wow – I would never have thought replacing a keyboard on a phone would be so costly and worrisome! Am glad you got all that ginger, Tandy – because this marmalade sounds delicious! When we lived in London, my dad would bring home the freshest marmalade ever from a little bakery – and your’s brings back memories!

  2. I’m not sure what you’re spreading that wonderful marmalade on but it looks delicious!
    You’ve always got the best recipes, Tandy!

  3. 5 stars
    Hi Tandy, sounds like you had a real fight on your hands, good for you for not giving up. I love ginger and orange together, it is a match made in heaven.

  4. Hi Tandy – delicious ideas as usual, and very timely for us in the UK as the Autun and Harvest season looms. Hope you enjoyed your time over here xx Kate

  5. 5 stars
    Orange Ginger Marmalade—fantastic…I have never tried that kind before but it sounds amazing and perfectly warming for autumn. The phone issues sounds like you brought your phone down to one of the back alleys of HK and was expecting a warranty to come with that… LOL

  6. 5 stars
    Mniam mniam! I’m a big fan of marmalades, especially homemade ones. Really nice recipe. I bet it tastes best with freshly baked bread!! 🙂

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