Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney

Mint And Coriander Chutney, Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney, Minty Yoghurt Dressing
Mint And Coriander Chutney, Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney, Minty Yoghurt Dressing

This roasted cherry tomato chutney is best served at room temperature with lamb or beef. Here I have used it to compliment some hake fish cakes.


Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney ♥

Dogs are such a good indicator of a person’s true self. Our first Boxer, Maxine, had to undergo extensive surgery when she was a year old. She jumped at a glass window and her hind paw was all but sliced off. Bruce, our Vet, saved her life and her leg and operated on her twice a week for close on a month. Despite all the trauma she would literally jump onto his examination table when she went to see him. Patch, our amazing, much loved Jack Russell had to have her eye removed in her old age. Despite that, she never once lost her ability to do anything. And she too would wag her tail everytime she went to the vet. At least, until the very last visit that is, when she was ready to cross the rainbow bridge.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

Molly has been unbelievable. Her surgery was a huge success and she managed to get around after a couple of days, navigating obstacles with the cone on. She has also retained full use and strength of her leg. When I took her back to Bruce to have the stitches our she tried to jump into his arms. She rolled over, waiting for tummy tickles. And was so happy to be at the surgery. Quite amazing as this is a dog who hated when I took her to Animal Welfare for her annual injections. We only did that once and decided it was worth the expense to take her to a Vet who loves animals, and is in turn, loved by our dogs. Do your pets love your Vet?


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Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney

This can be made in advance and stored in the fridge to use as needed
Recipe Category: Preserves
Makes enough for: 1 batch chutney
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Curried page 168


  • 350 g rosa tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 15 mls olive oil
  • 1 green chilli, cut in half and seeded
  • 1 cm fresh root ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 6 sprigs coriander


  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • Place the tomatoes and garlic into an ovenproof dish and drizzle the olive oil over the tomatoes
  • Cover with foil and place into the oven for 30 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and set aside to cool completely
  • Place the chilli and ginger into a blender and blitz until finely chopped
  • Add the tomatoes, garlic, cooking oil and coriander and blitz until just chopped
  • Store in a sterilized glass jar in the fridge and use as needed


See this post on how I sterilize my glass jars.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime January 21:

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11 thoughts on “Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney

  1. Hi Tandy, Are you talking about Bruce from Strand Animal Hospital? We know Bruce and Shelley very well. They saved the life of Sausage who swallowed a hook, liner and sink at the beach. And we went many times with Ntombi until she crossed over the rainbow bridge. They also know Jabula our Ridgeback who will turn 11 years in March very well. They didn’t like the Vet very much 😉 but we did. This Sausage had to be hospitalised 5 days in the Spanish animal hospital and he still crawls up in the neck of Marcos, the vet. And he just adores their receptionist.
    Please send our regards from Lee & Carolina from Greenways with Jabula and Sausage.

    All the best Tandy, I enjoy reading your blog.

    With warmest wishes,


    1. Carolina, thank you so much for the lovely long comment! Yes, it is Bruce from Strand Animal Hospital. I shall pass on doggy loves 🙂 You must have been in shock when your furbaby swallowed the fishing gear. Did someone leave that on the beach? If so, how irresponsible. Hope this hot weekend doesn’t smother you!

  2. Interesting how closely that chutney resembles Mexican-American salsa, which is our most popular condiment. Only the ginger distinguishes the recipe from salsa.

    Since tomatoes and chili peppers are both native to Central America, it’s not surprising to find these ingredients in Mexican food, but they swiftly were adopted worldwide when Europeans “discovered” the Americas.

    best… mae at

  3. NO! They do not! And they an hardly handle the drive there…. I love this recipe. I’v only mad chutneys with fruit – cranberries, peach, strawberries, etc. it I know I’d love this! Thanks!

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