If you have ever needed a reason to create your own sourdough starter, this is it. These sourdough almond cookies are so fantastic. In fact, they are so good I have been making a batch every week for months now.

Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Sourdough Almond Cookies ♥
I am trying to be very mindful that even though we are all facing the same pandemic, we are not all in the same situation. I am blessed with a roof over my head and food on my table. Homelessness is quite visible where we live and has been for the 20 years we have lived in our village. For years, three people lived together, sleeping outside the police station. They are meant to be safe havens in this country and it is a common sight to see countless sleeping bags on the streets next to them. We also had a small group sleeping in the open next to the vet. And for about five years, a mentally challenged gentleman slept on the street opposite our house. When we went into hard lockdown, the homeless people were offered shelter.
Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Sourdough Almond Cookies ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X
But for many people, this is not how they wish to sleep. And so when we came out of lockdown, many homeless people were given tents to sleep in. These have been put up outside the police station. Not long after that, a large group descended on the croquet field and set up camp. They brought with a lot of rubbish and made a huge mess. A year ago I would have asked the police to move them. But now, even though I wish they would be tidy, I am letting them be. Who knows how they got there, and what life has thrown at them. Hopefully they too can be provided with tents, and safe haven outside of the police station. Has the homeless situation got worse where you live since the pandemic started?
Click on the links for conversions and notes.
Sourdough Almond Cookies
- 58 g softened butter
- 105 g coconut sugar
- 48 g fructose
- 1 egg
- 80 mls canola oil
- 50 g sourdough starter *
- 7.5 mls milk
- 2.5 mls vanilla paste or essence
- 170 g flour
- 100 g bread flour
- 50 g almond flour
- 3.75 mls fine salt
- 2.5 mls baking powder
- 2.5 mls bicarbonate of soda
- 50 g flaked almonds
- Place the butter, sugar and fructose into a stand mixer bowl
- Cream until fluffy then add the egg
- Beat well and then add the oil, starter, milk and vanilla
- Beat until combined
- Place the flours, salt, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda into a mixing bowl
- Whisk to combine then add to the stand mixer bowl while beating, a tablespoon at a time, until completely combined
- Fold in the almonds and place the bowl into the fridge for an hour
- Preheat your oven to 180° Celsius
- Weigh out 30g pieces of the dough and roll into balls
- Place them onto a lined baking sheet, leaving spaces to allow for spreading **
- Place into the oven and bake for 15 minutes
- Remove from the oven and leave to cool for 15 minutes
- Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely
- Store in an airtight container
** I made 12 at a time as I have a small baking sheet and baked them in separate batches. The dough can be made ahead and left in the fridge for a few days until needed.
My annual leave started yesterday and will be back at work on the 4th of January. I will pop into my blog when I can over that time.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime December 18:
- 2019: The Crown
- 2017: Mushroom Ketchup
- 2016: Orphan X
- 2015: Cuvée At Simonsig
- 2014: Home Cured Pork Belly
- 2013: Pappas Restaurant
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Hi Tandy My concern about people squatting is that the crime increases. Crime is so bad on our streets now that I won’t even walk down to the park. There have been attacks on domestics walking down the streets and their handbags are snatched. It is awful because domestics are low income people and can’t afford to loss their money and phones. Crime has increased hugely in the USA with the pandemic and even the UK is suffering. Not sure about other places. Thanks for the recipe.
I bet these are amazing! I’ve never seen sourdough starter used in so many different ways until this year! We live in a small town and the homelessness is almost negligible. Which is nice, to not have to see it. Not that I’m unaware of its existence, it’s just sad to see. And as you said, nobody knows the stories. These people you see could have been college professors.
It is sad to see and I never grew up with it.
seems like a reasonable way to work with the homeless, providing them some shelter and safety. and hopefully a plan to find a permanent home.
those cookies sound delicious 🙂
Most of our homeless people don’t want permanent housing. But they are living in safety and with shelter which must help.
I have to give these a try! They sound wonderful. I just have to find some starter. I wish places sold it (I know people keep them alive but I can’t, like plants).
Maybe I can make a starter free version?
They do look delicious..
Thank you Lisa xx
I love sourdough, I’ll have to try these cookies!
I’ll have to try these cookies. I’m always looking for new things to do with my sourdough starter. I am not aware of what anyone has done here for the homeless due to Covid. Given our inhospitable climate much of the year, I think our population is lower. I know that when temperatures get especially cold, they canvas to try to bring them into shelters.
I cannot imagine how awful it must be to sleep rough in such cold weather.