Sourdough English Muffins

A while back Jane-Anne tweeted asking a question about her sourdough. Celia, from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial, is the sourdough expert in my opinion, and so I directed Jane-Anne to Celia. Serendipity prevailed, and the very same day Celia blogged her 101 on sourdough bread making. This led to Celia posting a part of Priscilla, her sourdough starter, to me. This dodgy looking white powder landed in my postbox without the envelope even being opened by our customs! I had to wait days until I could reconstitute Priscilla and name her. The name, as you can see from the bold above was easy, Cordelia was born! My first sourdough bread was the basic loaf on Celia’s blog. I got so much oven spring that the top burnt slightly, but the taste and texture were perfect. The next weekend I attempted to make English muffins using a recipe from the internet. IT DID NOT WORK! The gloopy mess was turned out onto my board for kneading and as the dough reminded me of the brioche I had made previously, I turned it into a brioche style loaf. Determined not to be outdone by this, and on the 3rd weekend of having sourdough in my fridge, I adapted the recipe for English Muffins from Larousse (page 687) to be made without yeast. I followed the day 1 instructions from Celia, and on day 2 proceeded to ‘wing it’ and use my own instincts to make English muffins. The first one was grilled, and even though the taste was correct, the muffins did not cook through. I think if I had made them flatter it would have worked. I proceeded to bake mine as this was an alternative method mentioned in Larousse, and even though they did not have the same pale white look I am used to, they tasted exactly like English muffins.

what is your favourite English muffin topping?

Sourdough English Muffins
Sourdough English Muffins
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Sourdough English Muffin

Recipe Category: Bread
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 70 g fed sourdough starter
  • 140 g milk
  • 225 g flour, plus extra for sprinkling
  • 2.5 mls salt
  • 2.5 mls bicarbonate of soda


  • Measure your starter into a bowl
  • Add the milk and stir to dissolve
  • Add the flour, the salt and the bicarbonate of soda
  • Using your fingertips, bring the ingredients together
  • Cover with clingfilm and leave for 30 minutes
  • Turn onto a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes
  • Shape into a ball and place into a lightly oiled ziploc bag
  • Allow to prove until doubled in size - be patient, it takes about 4 hours
  • Remove the dough from the bag, knock back and knead for 1 minute
  • Cover and leave to rest for 5 minutes
  • Roll to 1cm thick and cover and rest for 5 minutes
  • Cut into rounds - mine were 8cm as I used the biggest drinking glass I have
  • Place into a well floured baking tray and sprinkle the tops with flour
  • Cover and prove until doubled in size
  • Preheat the oven to 230° Celsius
  • Bake for 10 minutes, turning after 5 minutes
  • Cool on a wire rack

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

I am submitting this recipe to Fresh From The Oven which is being hosted this month by Helen of Fuss Free Flavours

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35 thoughts on “Sourdough English Muffins

  1. What a tasty recipe, Tandy! I love sourdough bread but never made it at home before!
    These look amazing! I must make them soon! Yummy Yum!
    I never made english muffins before ! these look more like sourdough pistolets, like we call them! Great for breakfast or lunch!

  2. Sounds delicious but complicated. I love baking, but I don’t think I’m devoted enough to look after my own Cordelia. I once had a vinegar “mother”, similar to your sourdough starter, but it didn’t end well for her:)

  3. I love english muffins – we buy them quite a bit but I have never made them and never made sourdough – both are on my wishlist and would love to combine the two as you have – sounds delicious!

    1. I am sure there are bloggers close to you who can give you some sourdough starter! It is the most amazing addition to my kitchen 🙂

  4. Well executed! Your English muffins look delicious but lots of work. I love them just toasted with a tad of butter. Bread making and Hong Kong and totally do not get along, the humidity and my oven that does not keep a constant temperature are my biggest points against me.

    1. Sourdough bread is an act of love, but so worth it! Your oven however is not good for baking 🙁 How frustrating for you.

  5. Good for you, Tandy (and Cordelia!). I think I’m getting some of Priscilla in the post, so I will come back and reread your process. I’m nervous, she’s not shown up yet.. perhaps customs in Canada is more stringent:) Or.. they want to make their own bread and Priscilla’s reputation proceeded herself. She’s going to be known round the world I think! xx

    1. I was so surprised it arrived here so quickly. And, we have a postal strike on at the moment! I am sure yours will arrive safe and sound soon 🙂

  6. Hi, so glad to hear that you are having success with your sourdough starter. Would love to be able to make sourdough but have tried on several occasions to get a ‘mother’ starter going without much success. Must try to find some dried starter. Wendy.

  7. Looks good – well done for persevering, despite the set backs. My first attempts at sour dough didn’t work too well and I ended up reverting to yeast breads. Must try again some time!

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