Coconut Chicken Curry

Aysha Bora says of her Kuku Paka (coconut chicken curry) that when she was growing up she hated cooking. Her family is from India and preparing big meals for the extended family was part of their culture, but she used to beg for any job other than cooking. Then she got married and moved to Africa and suddenly everything changed – she began calling her mother and asking her for recipes. Her mother told her: ‘Cooking for someone you love is what makes you a good cook.’ This curry is a particular favourite of her family in Tanzania.

Coconut Chicken Curry

Head straight on to the Recipe For Coconut Chicken Curry ♥

When Dave and I went on honeymoon I bought one large suitcase for the two of us. Luggage weight calculation was not done per traveller, but rather as a combined weight. This meant Dave got to wheel the large suitcase around, and all I had to do was worry about the carry on luggage. I used that suitcase when I went to Australia and it still has its weight tag on it, showing that the case was heavy! For the life of me I cannot tell you what I brought back from that holiday. Five years after our honeymoon the regulations around luggage and weight had changed and I bought two new cases. The one is a size down from our large case, and the other is a size down from that. I use the large suitcase as a ‘cupboard’ with clothes in that we don’t wear.

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This coming November the children are joining us on holiday. They don’t have any suitcases, and we are trying to save them money wherever possible. Using the references on the KLM website the size of an allowed suitcase must be a total of 158cm. This is calculated by adding the length, width and height of the case. Our super-duper large one is 152cm so that is perfect for them. Hopefully it will take all of the baby’s clothes in it, as well as what ever James or Carli wishes to wear. With taking weight restrictions into account they are going to have to take a suitcase each. Plus one carry on bag, a nappy bag, and a stroller. Their logistics are made more complicated by having to wheel suitcases and a pram. Do you have suitcases with wheels, and how big is your favourite one?

Coconut Chicken Curry And Naan
Coconut Chicken Curry And Naan

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Coconut Chicken Curry

This is one of the tastiest curries I have ever made
Recipe Category: Chicken, Curry
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Together page 71


  • 1 large tomato, roughly chopped
  • 2 small onions, peeled and quartered
  • 2 cm fresh root ginger, peeled
  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1 serenade chilli, destemmed and seeded
  • 10 mls ground cumin
  • 5 mls ground coriander
  • 5 mls ground turmeric
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
  • 8 chicken thighs, skin scored
  • 30 g coconut oil
  • 2 x 400 mls tins coconut milk
  • 15 mls lemon juice
  • 15 g fresh coriander, roughly chopped
  • Naan bread to serve


  • Place the tomato, onion, ginger, garlic, chilli, cumin, coriander and turmeric into a blender
  • Add salt and pepper and then blitz until you have a rough paste
  • Use a third of the paste to rub into the chicken and set aside the rest of the paste for the curry
  • Place the chicken into a dish, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour, or up to 5 hours
  • Preheat your grill to the highest setting
  • Line a baking dish with foil and place the chicken into the dish, skin side up
  • Grill for 15 minutes then turn over and grill for a further 5 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and set aside
  • While you are doing this, place the coconut oil into a large sauté pan that has a lid
  • Leave to melt over a medium temperature and then add the rest of the paste
  • Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally then increase the temperature and cook for a further 3 minutes
  • Add the coconut milk and stir to combine
  • Reduce the temperature and leave to simmer for 25 minutes
  • Add the chicken and pan juices to the mixture, bring to a simmer and then cover
  • Leave to cook for 5 minutes, adjust the seasoning and then add the lemon juice
  • Give it a quick stir, sprinkle the coriander over the chicken and serve with naan bread

Disclosure:  This recipe forms part of a review and has been published with permission.This post is in line with my blogging policy.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime March 25:

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21 thoughts on “Coconut Chicken Curry

  1. A lovely looking curry. It looks well balanced and not overly spicy. Suit cases, we have three all with wheels. Don’t know how big they are, but they’er not the monster sized ones you see.

  2. I used to cook chicken curry which is my brothers favorite food. However, I’m not using coconut milk instead I use evaporated milk. But seeing your photos it looks like I’m gonna use coconut milk next time that I will cook this dish. The photos looks tempting.

  3. A beautiful curry! I didn’t have anything this pretty in Tanzania, but I loved the ugali! Such a wonderful and unique experience. I happen to love Tumi brand, and mine do roll, practically without prompting!

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