Sun Dried Tomato Pesto

Dave and I have a nightly ritual. We eat dinner at the table with the news on the television in the background. I am not interested in the news and as I cannot see the TV properly from my seat at the table I don’t mind. After dinner the dishes are stacked in the dishwasher and then we move into the lounge to watch programs we have recorded on our PVR. As soon as my wine or whisky glass is empty I dish up dessert. Usually it is a slice of cake or a bowl of ice cream and if I have not made a dessert then we have a block or two of chocolate. Then, once we have had dessert Dave will get up and make some crackers or melba toast with a topping. The topping can be cheese, anchovies, or pesto, or a combination of all three. Needing some sun dried tomato pesto for a recipe, I decided to make my own. If you want, you can use the oil from the sun dried tomatoes to give it more of a sun dried tomato flavour. This makes a great cracker topping for our after dessert snack.

do you snack after dinner?

Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Pasta Rustica
Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Pasta Rustica
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Sun Dried Tomato Pesto

Recipe Category: Condiments
Makes enough for: 1 batch Pesto
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 60 mls basil leaves
  • 250 mls sun dried tomatoes, chopped
  • 15 mls almonds
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 pinch fine salt
  • 1 splash lemon juice
  • 60 mls olive oil
  • 30 mls grated Parmesan


  • In a food processor, chop the basil, tomatoes, almonds and garlic
  • Add the salt, lemon juice and oil and blend until smooth
  • Mix in the Parmesan


You might need to add more olive oil, depending on how dry your tomatoes are

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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25 thoughts on “Sun Dried Tomato Pesto

  1. Pete always has a snack of sorts after supper – always pistachios, chocolate of some sort, and inveriably some crisps. Another one of his favourites is frosty flakes with ice cold milk or mashed bananas with brown sugar and cream. I occasionally will be a piece of dark chocolate.
    🙂 Mandy

  2. I love pesto in every form and sun dried tomato is so lovely on so many things especially pasta. Snacking after dinner. Well not usually but my boys on the other hand usually end eating about 2 dinners every night and many hearty and healthy snacks. The eating usually starts when they walk in from school and continue until I send them to bed. Tonight is no exception.

  3. SNACKING AFTER DINNER: I do it, I shouldn’t (I eat a pretty good portion of food at dinner time!!). I love your sundried tomatoes pesto, I use sundried tomatoes in olive oil, it is not easy to find the dry ones here where I live…

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