This recipe for sweet chilli sauce duck is super easy, and super impressive.
Take a look at this inspiring recipe for ♥ Sweet Chilli Sauce Duck ♥ from Lavender and Lime #LavenderAndLime Share on X
A friend wants to know a bit about my first job and what I used my wages for. I was 16 when I first went to work. My first job was as a cashier at our local Spar. This progressed to working in the deli and the bakery. I earned a basic wage and got it in a brown envelope once a week. My memory does not extend far back enough to tell you how much I earned. But I can tell you that it went to paying my phone bill. I had a younger sister who at 12 discovered the telephone. She would come home from school and straight away call her best friend – with whom she had just spent the day at school with, and they would talk all afternoon. So of course, that meant I could not speak to my friends! I moaned to my dad, and in his most practical manner said that they would get a phone line for me, if I paid the bill. So, I had my own phone line and I paid the bills. Of course, if I were in the same boat now, I might forego the phone and spend the money on eating out – I would be this young foodie, eating her way through all these fancy restaurants, trying all these fancy meals. But instead, I am a little bit older, have a fantastic job, and I can do the foodie thing right at home. Duck is the one foodie item most people would rather eat out that try at home, but I assure you, it is so worth making duck for yourself.

Sweet Chilli Sauce Duck
- 15 mls sweet chilli sauce
- 15 mls honey
- 2 duck breasts
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
- preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
- in a small pan, gently heat the chilli sauce and honey
- score the skin of the duck
- season the flesh
- place the duck into a cold frying pan and turn on the heat
- allow the fat the render down
- turn onto the flesh side for one minute
- remove from the pan and place into an oven proof dish, skin side up
- cover with the glaze and cook in the oven for 8 minutes
- allow to rest before serving
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This looks lovely, Tandy. I never made duck before. It is something I dont see in the supermarkets, where do you buy yours?
I have only ever seen it at Woolworths!
Great story about the phone. You are so right – if I see duck on the menu of a restaurant I usually order it, but rarely cook at home.
I ordered duck at every restaurant we went to in France!
I love duck and we can now get it here in Andalucia – must give this a go!
enjoy making it at home 🙂
I always wanted my own phone when I was young. I never thought of suggesting that I’d pay the bill if I could get one, then again I probably would not have liked the idea of spending my pay on a phone bill. The duck looks so lovely and crispy. I haven’t made duck in ages, must give your recipe a try.
I always wanted my own phone when I was young. I never thought of suggesting that I’d pay the bill if I could get one, then again I probably would not have liked the idea of spending my pay on a phone bill. The duck looks so lovely and crispy. I haven’t made duck in ages, must give your recipe a try.
Please let me know how the recipe works out for you!
If anyone is looking for duck. There’s a German butchery on Kloof street (opposite Cafe Milano) that stocks duck and also a butchery called Gogos in Newlands (next to Malissa’s) that also stocks duck.
It is at times like this that I wish we lived closer to town 🙂
I have only cooked duck once before and I was not impressed with the finisihing product! I will have to try again! When is the closing date for the Pasta Pronto challenge?
Please try the duck again! The closing date is tonight at midnight 🙂
I love the hot/sweet flavors of this sauce. I’ve bookmarked this recipe to try when things slow down around here. Have a wonderful weekend,. Blessings…Mary
Thanks Mary, and please let me know how the recipe works out 🙂
I almost smell the turkey, I believed that this is one delicious meal. =)
I love ‘magret de canard’ and cook it alot. It is delicious isn’t it? Also whole ducks, particularly free range ones… nothing to be frightened of…no harder to cook than a chicken… but maybe we can buy them more easily in France.
I ordered a lot of magret de canard in France this holiday! You will have to share a good whole duck recipe with us 🙂
Tandy, I’ve only recently cooked duck at home for the first time, and I have no idea why I was so daunted by it for so long! Your recipe sounds delicious!
Wouldn’t it be lovely to be able to go back and be sophisticated foodies with the metabolic rate of 17 year olds? Aaah, to be able to eat whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted…now that would be the life! 🙂
for sure that would be a great life!
My local Woolies has stopped stocking duck breasts!! Grrrr …. this is such a nice simple and clean recipe T – i love duck and would love this sliced on top of a nice salad!! Yummmm xxxx jan
that is so not good of them! Maybe you need to have a stern word with them! Have a super weekend 🙂
I love duck and I adore it especially in any sweet & sour sauce and this fits the bill. I love this recipe! And your post had me back in my youth thinking about how I spent all my money on books and candy. Older, it went to traveling and, well, books. Now it goes to traveling, books and food! Our passions stay with us forever!
books have always been a love of mine too! Now travelling and food are added to that as well 🙂
My first job was at a restaurant, can’t remember what I earned, but I bought shoes.
As you know, my track record with duck isn’t great, but this looks delish!
hope they were red ones! Duck breasts are much easier than whole duck me thinks!
My mom did the same thing for me. She paid to install the phone line and I paid my own bills. That made everybody happy and I learned to deal with finances. It was very useful. Except I would probably spend my money on other things now. But teenagers will be teenagers.
It is such a good lesson 🙂
I tried to make duck many years ago (8-ish) and failed miserably. I like this recipe, and my extra years of experience…perhaps I shall try again.
Good luck, and let me know how it works out 🙂