Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake

This Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake is perfect for a warm summers’ day.

Head straight on to the recipe for Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake ♥

If I knew how to speak Vietnamese I would have written Vietnamese Iced Coffee as Cà phê đá sữa lắc. This iced coffee treat was perfect for me as I love ice cream and I love espressos. It was the perfectly sweet way to end my afternoon.

Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake
Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake

When I got my new laptop I started from scratch, loading documents and programs as I needed them. Of course, one of the first programs a blogger needs is one to edit photographs. I have used Picasa for years, preferring it to Photoshop which I have paid for. (And as an aside, is for sale). You cannot imagine how my heart sunk when I realized that Picasa had been retired! Google no longer had a download file and I started off looking for a replacement in the wrong way. Instead of searching for a torrent site with the download file still available, I looked at alternatives. I had to get a post written and the photographs edited and I downloaded the first editing program I came across. I really did not like the interface and the editing complications and as soon as I had a gap I downloaded two more programs. Neither of them worked for me. I was desperate for a program that was as simple to use, and as effective, as Picasa. And then I had a brain wave, why not look for downloads on other platforms? I was so ecstatic to find that Picasa was still available so I did a little happy dance to celebrate. And I celebrated even further with a weekday treat of a Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake. I don’t usually enjoy afternoon desserts during the week but this was worth every sip!

Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake

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Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake

This is the perfect drink if you like sweet coffee
Recipe Category: Drinks
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 50 mls espresso
  • 25 mls condensed milk
  • 100 g vanilla ice cream


  • Make the espresso and leave to cool
  • Place the ingredients into a blender and process until smooth

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

What I blogged May 19:

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43 thoughts on “Vietnamese Iced Coffee Milkshake

  1. Well thats just awesome when you find a program that you thought was gone, but is actually still available. Most pleased for you lovely. 🙂
    And I adore your Viet coffee milkshake, my bestest is Vietnamese and makes me the most delicious coffee, but never in milkshake form.

  2. Ooh I must try making this before winter hits us full force. Thanks for this lovely recipe.

  3. 5 stars
    I am craving one of these vietnamese iced coffee milkshakes. Seriously hot here in the tropics and I am always exhausted so this sounds like perfectly delicious cure.

  4. I remember the first time I had a Vietnamese iced coffee, OMG so good. And why have I not made some yet? So now I have to with this milkshake version. yummy-ness! Photoshop gal here and taking a class.

  5. So glad you were able to find and download Picasa onto your new laptop Tandy! And this coffee milkshake sounds perfect for a hot summer day!

  6. Hi Tandy, I would be doing a happy dance too, have never used picasa before sounds like a great program. Love little pick me ups in the afternoon, this drink is wonderful.

  7. Oh my god, this looks perfect. So perfect.
    I love iced coffee on hot days, so I am definitely going to have to make this soon! Thank you! 😀

  8. This is such a simple recipe. So I am not a coffee person but I have really made this last year for some guests and they loved it. Did not know it was Vietnamese though!

  9. My favourite coffee is Vietnamese… I’ve never tried it as a milkshake… Thank you for sharing this idea! I love the bitterness of the coffee.

  10. Love ice cream and espresso as well. For some reason, it has never occurred to me to put the two together. Will have to try this Vietnamese Iced coffee milkshake. Looks delicious. Thanks for the great idea 🙂

  11. 5 stars
    I love the recipe but wondering if I could make it lighter and less sweetened by reducing the condensed milk, would it work?

  12. Glad you got your favourites back, funny how we all have our “darlings”. I like my coffee hot as you know, but this tempts me. Come make it for me!

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