Caper Butter

You might recall that I made whipped feta to go with smoked trout and bagels? I also made this caper butter for those that wanted something extra to smear on the bread. It is a simple, two ingredient recipe, that is super easy to make.

Whipped Feta And Caper Compound Butter
Whipped Feta And Caper Compound Butter
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Caper Butter ♥

If I was not trying to mind my P’s and Q’s there would be a lot of swear words here. I had every single thing sorted out for our trip to Austria. And when they went into a 10 day lockdown I started looking at Turkey as an alternative. This made the most sense for us as we were flying Turkish Airlines. But it also meant another change of flights for my parents. Resolving that this would be OK as a last resort I half heartedly looked at accommodation. But then our brilliant scientists discovered the latest variant of the Covid virus. Named Omicron by the WHO it resulted in some moronic, knee-jerk reactions. The UK slammed their doors once again, putting southern Africa onto the red list. Other countries followed suite post-haste, ignoring the lambasting they were getting. Not only from our leaders, but from the WHO and scientists alike.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Caper Butter ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

It meant a weekend of making new plans, changing them to suit where and when we could get somewhere to stay. And some extremely long phone calls. One to the people who were coming to stay in our house for the time we were meant to be overseas. And a few more to my parents to discuss everything. I really have not been upset about anything to do with this Virus. But that weekend I was really angry that South Africans were being punished for having such amazing scientists. It made me grateful to live here because of them. And sad for my parents who were really looking forward to an European experience with Dave and me. So, a lot of mixed emotions about something I could not control. I just had to breathe and let it be.

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Caper Butter

This simple compound butter brings loads of flavour to your table
Recipe Category: Condiments
Makes enough for: 1 batch compound butter
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 60 g softened salted butter,
  • 15 g capers


  • Place the butter and capers into a blender and blitz until combined
  • Tip out onto cling film and roll into a log *
  • Place into the fridge for 1 hour to to firm up and use as needed **


* I put mine into egg cups to use as serving dishes.
** Goes perfectly with lamb and smoked fish
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime January 14:

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7 thoughts on “Caper Butter

  1. I am so happy things are winding down for Covid. We did a Florida vacation a couple weeks ago and didn’t go out for the whole week before, I was so worried I wouldn’t be allowed to get on the plane! I can’t begin to fathom the logistics of traveling internationally! But I do love a nice compound butter–caper sounds great!

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