Gluten Free Cereal

Looking for something different to have for breakfast that offers variety as well as flavour, then look no further than this recipe for Gluten Free Cereal.

Head straight on to the recipe for Gluten Free Cereal ♥
Gluten Free Cereal
Gluten Free Cereal

Last year April when my parents came to visit I bought gluten free cereal for my dad. I decided there and then that I would make my own version, thinking it would be easy. The first thing I did was buy some buckwheat for sprouting. I used my tried and tested sprouting method and the buckwheat went all slimy. So I turned to Brydie’s blog as I remembered seeing her post on how to do this a long time ago. I followed her instructions, with the same results. And so I sent Brydie an email and with her help I realized my buckwheat was toasted, not raw, and therefore could not be sprouted. I shall leave that aside for another recipe. I then tried to puff my own rice, but that ended up in a crunchy treat not suitable for breakfast. So, I resorted to buying the puffed rice and using that as the base for my cereal. Not being very sure how sweet my dad would want his cereal, I added no honey to my recipe. His only complaint was that it was not sweet enough. I took what was left over and added honey and got the perfect balance of sweetness for my palate. Dave said it was much improved and has eaten gluten free cereal for breakfast at work during the week. Have you tried sprouting buckwheat, or puffing rice?

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Recipe For Gluten Free Cereal

A gluten free option for breakfast that is good enough for everyone to enjoy
Recipe Category: Breakfast
Makes enough for: 1 batch cereal
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 75 g puffed rice
  • 30 g goji berries
  • 50 g dried cranberries
  • 125 g mixed seeds, lightly toasted
  • 20 g sliced coconut, lightly toasted
  • 15 g coconut oil
  • 45 g honey
  • 100 g mixed nuts, roughly chopped


  • Place the rice, berries, seeds and coconut into a bowl
  • Mix to combine
  • Place the oil into a frying pan on a low temperature
  • Leave to melt and then add the honey
  • Add the nuts and leave to heat up
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and mix to combine
  • Turn the heat off and leave on the stove to cool
  • Store in an airtight container

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

What I blogged February 22:

Lavender and Lime Signature

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36 thoughts on “Gluten Free Cereal

  1. I love the idea of making my own cereal just for the sake that in the general Niagara Falls area where I live, cereal is 4-5 U.S. bucks a box! That’s insane. And I’d have to eat half a box just to feel full. Sprouting is right up my alley! And I’m finding that plenty of people who technically don’t need a gluten free diet are eating that way anyhow.

  2. There is a nice gluten free cereal that I have every time I visit the QANTAS club. I’m not GF but just enjoy it for a change. If I was GF, I think I would investigate making it myself as costs on these items are high but given I’d only be providing it for a GF house guest, would probably just buy a box. Here’s a link to the one I like:

  3. I’ve never tried sprouting buckwheat – but I am a huge fan of Buckwheat flour! I bet this homemade cereal was way better than store bought stuff!

  4. I love the flavors in this recipe! I’m already thinking about how to adapt it for my own preferences.

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