Goats Milk Ricotta

I am not a fan of goats milk feta but decided to make my own goats milk ricotta. You might ask yourself why, and let me tell you, I asked myself the same question. But someone told me that the milk was not to goaty so I gave it a try. It was the perfect match for the beetroot in my beetroot and feta tart.

Goats Milk Ricotta
Goats Milk Ricotta
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Goats Milk Ricotta ♥

A gazillion years ago I read a magazine article where it was suggested that ex-husbands come with a manual written by the ex-wife. Now, that would not really work as all her anger would be in it. But the idea was to know what you were getting yourself in for as the new wife. And let me tell you from experience, dating a man with children is not easy. Marrying one can be even more difficult. And really it is all up to the ex-wife. If like my aunt and uncle the divorce is amicable then all is good. Co-parenting can be a thing and the children will thrive. But if the divorce was bitter you can never expect that to go away. She might encourage her children to behave badly when they see their dad, just to punish him. Weekends are going to be difficult to navigate.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Goats Milk Ricotta ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

Keep this in mind when you start dating. Every second weekend he will probably have his children. And at the beginning that means every second weekend you will not see him. By the time he introduces you to them you need to be comfortable enough dedicating every fortnight to their needs. And if you are not the mom type, this can be a challenge. And if you are the mom type, this too could pose a problem as he might not want more children. So, all you are going to get is another woman’s child who may not treat you with love. The slog could get harder if he chooses his children over you. And this is a reality that should happen. It can be difficult to be last in line for his affection, and his spending. These are really the things you need to know before you say ‘yes’ to that first date!

Goats Milk Ricotta

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Goats Milk Ricotta

Make this using any goats milk
Recipe Category: Cheese
Makes enough for: 192 grams
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • temperature probe


  • 1 l goats milk
  • 1.25 mls fine salt
  • 30 mls lemon juice


  • Place the milk into a sauce pan and bring to a boil over a medium to high temperature
  • Add the salt, stir to combine and lower the temperature to the lowest setting on your stove
  • Place a temperature probe into the milk and when it reaches 80° Celsius add the lemon juice
  • Stir for 2 minutes then remove from the heat and cover
  • Leave to cool for 20 minutes
  • Line a sieve with a double layer of muslin and set over a bowl
  • Pour the curdled milk into the muslin and place in the fridge
  • After 20 minutes you will be able to spread the ricotta
  • Leave for up to 12 hours for a thicker texture
  • Tip the ricotta into a container with a lid and place in the fridge *


* It will keep for 3 days
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime September 24:

Have you dated someone with children? Did you end up marrying them, or was that the reason you parted?

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7 thoughts on “Goats Milk Ricotta

  1. Your commentary on second marriages seems very valid. That is what I would expect if there are children involved. I have no personal experience of this. I don’t think I’ll ever make ricotta cheese but I enjoyed reading how you make it.

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