Caper Mint Sauce

I made this caper mint sauce to serve with a leg of lamb that was slow roasted. You want the lamb to shine and the sauce to merely enhance the flavours.

Caper Mint Sauce My Street Food Kitchen
Caper Mint Sauce
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Caper Mint Sauce ♥

Starting a business is hard work. Not only does it take time, it takes patience as well as capital. Some people are fortunate in that their ventures are funded by someone else. This can be in the form of a loan that needs to be repaid, with or without interest. Or by raising funds from crowdfunding or venture capitalists. Someone might even gift you the funds needed to kick start your future. It must be a huge blessing when you don’t have to outlay one cent to start your own company. That however was not the case for me when I started my own businesses. What is even more of a blessing is when you can use your business as a means to keep busy. We all need to do something in my opinion.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Caper Mint Sauce ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

And imagine if all we did was what made our hearts happy, with no need to earn money. I started working at 16 as I wanted my own telephone line. My parents insisted I work to pay for that luxury, and I really did not mind. When I moved out of home I worked full time as well as studying for a Degree. Even when I briefly moved back in with my parents to complete my studies, I worked. Luckily for me, they employed me in their business, so I was able to take time off when needed. And since 1994 that is where I have been, working in the family business. I feel a sense of satisfaction each month when I get paid, knowing I am contributing to our household expenses. And it has afforded me the opportunity to invest in my own company at the same time.

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Caper Mint Sauce

This sauce is the perfect match for any lamb dish
Recipe Category: Sauces
Makes enough for: 1 batch sauce
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from My Street Food Kitchen page 94


  • 15 g capers
  • 5 g flat leaf parsley
  • 3 g mint leaves
  • 1 anchovy fillet
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 80 mls olive oil
  • 15 mls prosecco vinegar
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to season


  • Place the capers, parsley, mint, anchovy and garlic into a blender and blitz until fine
  • Tip out into a bowl and add the oil and vinegar
  • Mix to combine, season to taste and set aside for at least 2hours for the flavours to develop
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime November 22:

How old were you when you first started working?

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7 thoughts on “Caper Mint Sauce

  1. A good sauce really enhances a dish. This sauce looks delicious. I’ve also worked to buy what I wanted since I was 14= however, I never really started a business.

  2. Leg of lamb with that type of mint sauce is a real British classic, and makes me think of the times I have been there. I usually use the Julia Child recipe, which is in the French tradition.

    best… mae at

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