Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis

I love the combination of cherries and chocolate and that really helped me decide to make my cherry chocolate clafoutis. This dessert can be made in advance as it will keep well if stored in an airtight container.

Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis
Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis ♥
Inspired to bake Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis

Mimi shared a recipe for cranberry chocolate clafoutis which looked amazing. As we don’t get fresh cranberries here I decided to bake a cherry chocolate clafoutis. It was the perfect flavour combination in my opinion, and worth doing when cherries are in season.

What is a clafoutis?

Clafoutis is a French dessert originating from the Limousin region, traditionally made with black cherries. The batter creates a crustless tart and should be served lukewarm. You may find this on breakfast tables, or part of a brunch buffet. Enjoyed best as is in my opinion, but you can add cream if you want to.

Other variations

Other than the cranberries Mimi used, you can try any stone fruit such as peaches, plums or apricots like I did here. The recipe I created used red cherries as that is what was in season in South Africa at the time I baked mine. Be adventurous and try other berries, or use apples or pears. A similar dessert to this is a flaugnarde which I have made with grapes and blueberries. Another recipe which uses a pancake batter in preparation is the far Breton. I have heard of savoury clafoutis, but I am not sure I would want to try one. Would you?

How do I make clafoutis?

The recipe will call for a batter made from flour, eggs, milk and sugar. It can have flavourings added to it, depending on the fruit you are using. Adding chocolate like Mimi and I did is not traditional. The batter can be poured over the fruit, or the fruit added afterwards. I don’t think it really matters. But if I were to make this one again, I would place the chocolate chips in the baking dish first. 

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis


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Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis

Use seasonal cherries and dark chocolate to make this dessert
Recipe Category: Baking, Dessert
Makes enough for: 1 clafoutis
All Rights Reserved: Inspired by Chef Mimi


  • 180 mls milk
  • 42 g xylitol
  • 10 mls vanilla extract
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 pinch fine salt
  • 63 g flour
  • 160 g pitted weight cherries, cut in half
  • 70 g 80% dark chocolate drops
  • butter for greasing


  • Preheat the oven to 220° Celsius
  • Place the milk, xylitol, vanilla, eggs, and salt into a blender and mix until combined
  • Add the flour and blend until smooth
  • Grease a 20cm oven proof dish with butter and pour the batter into the dish
  • Add the cherries and chocolate and place into the oven for 20 minutes
  • Reduce the temperature to 180° Celsius, cover the top of the clafoutis with baking paper and bake for a further 10 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and leave in the dish for 10 minutes before serving

Our leave period is coming to a rapid close! I plan on spending the last few days getting organized for the new work year. 

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11 thoughts on “Cherry Chocolate Clafoutis

  1. a great combo of flavours Tandy. I once got hold of a cherry clafoutis recipe that I have tried to ‘fix’ so many times. I think she must have deliberately stuffed up the recipe. I have added cocoa and other things to it and it never improves. I wonder why people do that? I am sure yours is delightful though!!

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