Mint And Coriander Chutney

Make this quick mint and coriander chutney when you need something to accompany your vegetable curries.

Mint And Coriander Chutney, Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney, Minty Yoghurt Dressing
Mint And Coriander Chutney, Roasted Cherry Tomato Chutney, Minty Yoghurt Dressing
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Mint And Coriander Chutney ♥

I have a very small side hustle business. At one stage it had been my intention to open a health shop alongside a treatment facility. But that idea was soon scuppered when I realized it would not pay the rent. But, having established contacts in the industry, I decided to sell organic and natural products on the side. This is really more as a favour to my friends than anything else and I do not go out looking for customers. So when a friend directed someone to me, it was an added bonus. But that bonus soon wore thin. She came into the office to see what I sold, and bought one item to test. Telling me she liked the product she placed a very small order. But not wanting to let my friend down, I accepted it. This meant collecting the stock from the supplier.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Mint And Coriander Chutney ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

And as I didn’t want to insult my supplier with the value of the order, I added to it. All the effort to get the order placed 5 days before we closed for our annual break came to nought. No sooner was the stock in my office than she cancelled the order. Now I am sitting with goods I don’t sell, and ones I don’t use. And to her it may seem like no big deal but to me it really is. Mainly because I make a very small profit on these items. So now all of that profit will be swallowed up by stock sitting around that is not needed! Do you have a side hustle? If so, what is it?

Mint And Coriander Chutney


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Mint And Coriander Chutney

Use with vegetable based curries or as a dip for crunchy poppadoms
Recipe Category: Condiments, Dips
Makes enough for: 1 batch chutney
All Rights Reserved: Adapted from Curried page 164


  • 15 g fresh coriander
  • 15 g mint leaves
  • 30 mls lemon juice
  • 20 mls fruit chutney of your choice
  • 1 small green chilli, seeded and finely sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • Salt to season


  • Place the coriander, mint, lemon juice, chutney, chilli and garlic into a blender
  • Blitz until smooth and season to taste
  • Cover and set aside in the fridge for half an hour for the flavour to develop
  • Store for up to a week, covered, in the fridge
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime January 24:

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9 thoughts on “Mint And Coriander Chutney

  1. The chutney looks good, with all those fresh flavors. We try to grow herbs in summer but at the moment they are out of season. Sometimes the ones in the market taste good despite their long travel.

    best… mae at

    1. I try and grow windowsill herbs to use during the year, and then plant them in the garden when they are looking sad. My parsley has taken over the one bed 🙂

  2. my side hustle is blogging, but I make nothing from it 🙂

    some people need to consider how tough it is for a small business to make ends meet…

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