Quick Beer Bread

Some days I really don’t have time for my sourdough to work its magic. And I also don’t have time to let a yeast bread prove. It is on those days that I turn to my quick beer bread recipe. This month has seen a lot of those days already.

Quick Beer Bread
Quick Beer Bread
Head straight on to the Recipe For Quick Beer Bread ♥

Dave and I were meeting friends for dinner last week. We arrived very early at the restaurant. We had chosen to eat at one of the local wine estates and used the time to gaze over the vineyards and read the menu. While we were sitting there a couple arrived. They sat down at a table quite away from us. But they spoke quite loudly so I could hear what they were saying. The husband asked the waiter for Allesverloren. This is a wine estate in another region, famous for its port. The waiter told them they only do their own wines. To which he said “But I want port wine”. The waiter let them know that they don’t do port. At this time the wife said quite loudly “You don’t understand. Send someone to us who can understand”.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Quick Beer Bread ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

Another waiter came over and he too let them know that they only do their own wines. And that they don’t have port. The couple wanted something other than wine to drink before their meal and took out their frustration on the staff. I was pleased when they left as I could imagine them making a scene the entire evening. Surely if you go to a wine estate to dine you expect to drink what they produce? It is the same as going to a steakhouse and ordering fish. And then complaining it is poorly cooked. Or going to a brewery and ordering something other than beer. We have many good craft breweries around us. And this has inspired me to make my own quick beer bread. You can get all of the dry ingredients together, bar the flavouring and then decide when you make the bread what to use.

Quick Beer Bread

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Quick Beer Bread

Change up the flavours to suit the beer you use, or the food you are eating with the bread
Recipe Category: Bread
Makes enough for: 1 loaf bread
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 500 g bread flour
  • 15 g salt
  • 20 g baking powder
  • 20 mls mixed herbs or spices
  • 330 mls beer
  • Milk for glazing


  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • Place the flour, salt, baking powder and flavourings into a mixing bowl
  • Whisk to combine
  • Make a well in the centre and pour in the beer
  • Make a dough using your hands and gently knead to combine
  • Shape into a ball and place into an oiled baking tin
  • Brush the top with milk and bake for 50 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack before slicing
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime December 22:

Dave and I are on leave. We will be back at work on the 4th of January 2018. Today I am going to do shopping for our Christmas meal. What do you have planned?

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16 thoughts on “Quick Beer Bread

  1. Your bread looks so moist! I tried making bread in a bread maker this week and was disappointed with the results. Don’t think it was the bread makers fault either……haha. Have some wonderful time off….well deserved making that Christmas meal. I’m sure it will be divine.

  2. A lovely recipe, Tandy. I am getting a bread machine for Christmas so hope to make lots of different breads.

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