Whipped Feta

I made whipped feta and caper compound butter to serve with bagels and smoked salmon as a starter for a luncheon I hosted.

Whipped Feta And Caper Compound Butter
Whipped Feta And Caper Compound Butter
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Whipped Feta ♥

When I first started blogging in 2009 I would post at least once a day if not more. When we went overseas I did not blog at all which meant weeks’ long gaps in my posting. After a couple of years I decided to streamline my posting schedule. Mondays and Fridays were dedicated to recipes. And on a Wednesday I would do a review or In My Kitchen Post, or something along those lines. When I was approached by Penguin to become a reviewer I decided that a Sunday would be dedicated to novels. And Saturdays were for sponsored posts. Then I moved my site to WordPress.org and installed a calendar plugin. This allowed me to schedule posts in advance which meant a consistent presence all year round. But now it is time for me to change that.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Whipped Feta ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

Today is the 1st of November and in a normal situation I would be writing this on the 1st of October. But life has thrown me some curveballs and it is 8 days later. This, coupled with the fact that for over a year, reviews have been nigh on impossible, has made me rethink my posting schedule. I am going to stick to the one month in advance working theory as soon as I catch up. And then I am going to write a few blog posts a week, as time allows. The part of me that likes streamlining and organization might have a wobbly. But I know that providing good content is far more important than recipes for recipes sake. It also means that I do not feel under pressure when we get back from travelling, whether locally or overseas. Do you feel you need to stick to your posting schedule?

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Whipped Feta

This is a great way to serve feta as a spread
Recipe Category: Condiments
Makes enough for: 1 batch Whipped Feta
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 200 g soft feta, broken up
  • 110 g thick yoghurt
  • 5 g dill fronds
  • 1 lemon, zest and 60mls juice
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to season


  • Place the feta, yoghurt, dill, lemon zest and juice into a blender
  • Season generously then blitz to combine
  • Adjust the seasoning if necessary then decant into a serving container
  • Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime November 1:

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13 thoughts on “Whipped Feta

  1. Hi Tandy, I like this recipe, thanks. I don’t stick to a blogging schedule. I aim to do my Dante’s Divine Comedy posts one a week and Thursday Doors on Roberta Writes. Everything else is at my discretion and when I feel like it. I just can’t stick to schedules with my job and life. I still manage to post most days on one or the other of my blogs.

  2. I like how organized your posting schedule is. Monday is the only day I have a theme to my posts; the other days I’m just scrambling to come up with something…

  3. Oh no – I am bad with schedules. I try sticking to some, but it’s all about my mood and inspiration, too 🙂 But I am quite positive I can stick to this delicious whipped feta. Perfect material for appetizers!

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