Sourdough Chocolate Cake

I made this sourdough chocolate cake when it was just the two of us stuck at home. It lasted the entire week which was great for our waistlines!

Sourdough Chocolate Cake
Sourdough Chocolate Cake
Head straight on to the Recipe For ♥ Sourdough Chocolate Cake ♥

When I started blogging in 2009 I posted a recipe every single morning during the week. It was a recipe of what we had for dinner the night before. And for an entire year we did not eat the same meal twice. But eventually I realized that this was not sustainable. I don’t always feel like cooking something new and exciting after a day at work. And I cannot do this while we are away from home either. When I moved to I changed a lot of things. One of them was posting two recipes per week. And the other was scheduling my posts in advance. I now dedicate my weekends to creating recipes. And I do not stress if they don’t work out. As long as I have posts scheduled and recipes ready to go, I feel good.

Today’s inspirational recipe from Lavender and Lime ♥ Sourdough Chocolate Cake ♥ #LavenderAndLime Share on X

There have been times when I am only a few days ahead. And times when I have nothing to post on a Wednesday. That is the day of the week that I share a non recipe post. It can be a restaurant review, or an interview or one of my regular in my kitchen posts. During hard lockdown I spent every day in my kitchen. I tested at least one recipe per day. Some were failures, and others a great success. And by the time the end of June rolled around I had enough recipes to see me through to 2021. But at the same time, I had nothing ready for my midweek ramblings. And so, until we can eat out and travel you will more often than not see recipes three times a week from me. Do you have recipes ready to be shared well in advance?

Sourdough Chocolate Cake With Saffron Ice Cream

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Sourdough Chocolate Cake

This needs an active, fed starter
Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 1 cake
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 250 g active sourdough starter
  • 150 mls water
  • 35 mls cold espresso (I used a flavoured one)
  • 285 g flour
  • 105 g cocoa powder
  • 7.5 mls bicarbonate of soda
  • 5 mls fine salt
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 120 mls date syrup *
  • 120 mls maple syrup
  • 120 mls melted coconut oil


  • Place the starter, water, espresso and flour into a large bowl
  • Mix to combine, cover and leave for 6 hours
  • Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
  • Place the cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt into a mixing bowl and whisk to combine
  • Place the eggs, syrup and coconut oil into a jug and whisk to combine
  • Tip the cocoa powder into the eggs and whisk to combine
  • Add this to the starter and stir until completely combined
  • Pour into a lined, 22cm square tin and place into the oven
  • Bake for 55 minutes then remove from the oven
  • Leave to cool in the tin before turning out


* if you don't have date syrup then double up the maple syrup.
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime August 3:

To a life well lived in 2020!

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22 thoughts on “Sourdough Chocolate Cake

  1. It’s a bit different nowadays because I used to do reviews and travel but now don’t want to do reviews because I’m not eating out as much because of COVID but creating recipes takes so much longer to do! Just when I think I have enough I realise I don’t…

  2. That looks like a great cake recipe! While I do vary what we eat, I don’t really use recipes other than for baked goods — I just put things together like a salad or pasta or rarely roast or grilled meat. And these days, my husband does the baking, at least for bread. So I’m not really posting recipes on my blog for the time being. Thus I have a very different kind of blog.

    be well… mae at

  3. this sounds delicious! i’ve been trying to ferment dosa batter unsuccessfully so i’m not feeling optimistic about making a sourdough starter, but this cake sounds so good that i might have to try (:

  4. Tandy this cake looks lovely and I always have too much active starter so would like to give this a try. What size cake tin did you use and how many people would it feed for dessert? Also I a m interested in changing over to WordPress since you mention it. How much does it cost a year? Also no booze, sounds awful. Take care Pauline x

    1. Hi, it is a 22cm square tin. I really don’t mind the no booze part if it keeps our hospitals able to cope with the pandemic 🙂

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