Cherry Choc Muffins

I made these cherry choc muffins three times. First with chunks of dark chocolate and frozen cherries. Then with mini M&M’s and frozen cherries. And finally with Smarties and dried cherries.

Cherry Choc Muffins
Cherry Choc Muffins
Head straight on to the Recipe For Cherry Choc Muffins ♥

cancelled a multi room booking I had made for a racing weekend because I was asked to pay a deposit I was not expecting to pay. This meant I had to start the search over again and this time I broadened the area description. The results came back with a bed and breakfast closer to the circuit. It also had a BBQ facility we could use. So all in all, the request for a deposit turned out to work in our favour. The booking was done in my name, with a twin room for the mechanics. And a room for Dave and I and one for the other driver. Three weeks before we were due to race the exhaust broke on the car. We knew it could not be repaired in time but the option was there to hire a drive for the race meeting.

Today’s inspiration ♥ Recipe For Cherry Choc Muffins ♥ can be found on Lavender and Lime Share on X

While the drivers were deciding what to do I received a phone call from the receptionist. She needed to know there and then whether the one room was actually needed for our booking. She had an enquiry for that specific room and called to ask us to please cancel it if we were not coming. At that stage we still had not made up our minds and so I cancelled the entire booking. If we were going to make use of a car already in Johannesburg our needs would be different. And we could always stay with my parents and friends. What amazed me was that after cancelling 3 rooms no-one called to ask why. They only wanted us to cancel the one room so surely they would have been surprised to lose the entire booking?

Cherry Choc Muffins

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Cherry Choc Muffins

Make use of M&M's, Smarties, Astros or plain choc chips
Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 12 muffins
All Rights Reserved: an original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 200 g softened butter
  • 150 g fructose
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g bread flour
  • 7.5 mls baking powder
  • 1 pinch fine salt
  • 150 g chocolate pieces
  • 275 g dried cherries


  • Preheat the oven to 200° Celsius
  • Place the butter and fructose into a bowl of a stand mixer and beat until pale and fluffy
  • Add the eggs, one at a time and beat until incorporated
  • Sieve the flour, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl
  • Add the cherries and chocolate and mix to coat with the flour
  • Add to the batter and gently fold in to distribute the cherries and chocolate evenly
  • Using an ice cream scoop, portion out the batter into 12 muffin cases *
  • Place into the oven and bake for 25 minutes
  • Remove and leave to cool in the pan for 5 minutes
  • Place on a wire rack to cool completely
  • Eat the same day


* I prefer the silicone ones as they don't let the butter leak like I found with the paper ones
Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime July 30:

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13 thoughts on “Cherry Choc Muffins

  1. 5 stars
    I love the idea of using frozen cherries in these! I haven’t found frozen cherries here in Australia yet, but I’m going to expand my search. 🙂

  2. these sound delicious tandy. such a great combo – choc and cherry. i like your new banner photo. always good to have a change. yes it’s a bit difficult these days booking rooms. some want deposits, some want it all paid upfront, some are casual and let you pay when you get there and some let you pay when you leave. so confusing.. cheers sherry

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