Granola Muesli Rusks

I wanted to have a good blogging schedule where I could take part in the challenges I love every month. And I was doing well, until June and then the wheels fell off the bus. For various reasons I just did not get around to last month’s mingle which was hosted by the founder Meeta. It was a granola challenge and I could have just reposted my very delicious recipe but I did not feel that it met the requirements. I have wanted to make rusks for a very long time. They are, in my opinion, South Africa’s answer to the Italian biscotti. These twice baked treats are so easy to make, but I have never tried baking them before. They make the best breakfast snack and I am going to ensure there are always some to hand. I took 3 rusk recipes and combined and tweaked them all to make this one for Granola Muesli Rusks my own. It has some of the same ingredients you will find in my granola, and they are a healthy alternative for a tea time treat.

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Granola Muesli Rusks
Granola Muesli Rusks
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Granola Muesli Rusks

Recipe Category: Baking
Makes enough for: 1 batch rusks
All Rights Reserved: An original recipe from Lavender and Lime


  • 125 g butter
  • 185 g fructose
  • 125 g self-raising flour
  • 2.5 mls baking powder
  • 2.5 mls cinnamon
  • 1 pinch fine salt
  • 125 g rolled oats
  • 10 mls vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g yoghurt
  • 125 g mixture of dried cranberries / chopped nuts / seeds / desiccated coconut / raisins


  • Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius
  • Cream the butter and the fructose
  • Sift together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt
  • Add to the butter and mix in well
  • Add the oats and mix in
  • Add the vanilla, egg and yoghurt and mix until all combined
  • Stir in your choice of the cranberries etc.
  • Press into a deep baking tin and bake for 40 minutes
  • Turn out and cool on a wire rack
  • Cut into rectangles /squares
  • Heat the oven to 40° Celsius
  • Dry in the oven for 2 and a half hours
  • Store in an airtight container

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

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24 thoughts on “Granola Muesli Rusks

  1. I’ve not heard of rusks before but I love Bisoctti, and made some last winter, perfect with a cup of coffee. your recipe sounds lovely – not too sweet and I like the addition of the yoghurt

  2. There at last I am in. i just adore your new site. youa re so organised and it makes it a breeze to read and follow you.. I used to feed my babys rusks, for when they were teething, where that recipe is now i have no idea. These granola rusks looks perfect, very dippable! Morning tandy. c

    1. Morning C! Thank you so much for the compliments – I am so glad you found me. Have a super day and if you ever find your rusk recipe please share it with us 🙂

  3. This is very timely Tandy. I actually just came to your site looking to see if you had a rusk recipe and here it is. As I write I have an oven FULL of rusks that I am making from two different recipes but neither seems to have worked very well. In particular they look undercooked in the middle despite me having increased the initial baking time. I’m crossing my fingers that they will have magically transformed after their drying out period. As a back up plan, I am trying to find alternative recipes. Will let you know if I try these x

    1. I get so frustrated when you follow a recipe and it does not work out 100% – which is why I so appreciate feedback if my recipes are not correct. I hope your rusks worked out OK 🙂

  4. Pingback: South African Muesli Rusks « Under the Blue Gum tree

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